
Thanks for saying what I'm always thinking. If you love your cats, keep them inside. You can do what I do-take them out in a fenced yard as Long as you can be there.

PLEASE ungrey me. I've been nice.

Do we have an alternative? Oh yeah, we can't afford a space program because we need to fund all the new and better weapons. We are so screwed.

Thanks. You saved me $10. I wish I would have waited and read up on the Alien Isolation DLC. What a waste of time. I'm really beginning to think game developers are in it just for the money. I have nothing against anyone making a living, but shouldn't they really love what they're doing?

I understand how we "are looking into the past" because of the speed of light and the time involved in the vast distances we are seeing in the picture taken of the pillars. But what I can't seem to grasp is how they know "for sure" that a supernova has changed things? How can they know that without observing it?

Unless you're an insect, you would be stupid to be afraid of this animal. I really think there's enough "bad press" for bats and most people are too slow to understand bats are badly needed to control insect populations. As a caver, there's nothing that makes me happier than passing quietly past a group of bats,

Wait until they find the huge stores of water underground. I'll never get to go caving on Mars but I hope we can get our shit together so maybe my granddaughters can.

I'm on this one right now and slow and stealthy definitely doesn't seem to work. I'm about ready to rage quit.

For the love of God I hope you didn't. It was a Pamida store in Spearfish and the only way I can even conceive it possible is the "taller participants" went last. It was a genuine tower of poo. I never went back to that store. All I could think of was the poor minimum wage employee that would have to deal with the

I could easily best this story but I promised myself years ago I would never tell. Suffice it to say it involved a bout of IBS, a single bathroom stall and my bad luck to enter the stall immediately after a motorcycle gang during the Sturgis rally. I will take the experience to the grave.

I'm glad someone spoke up for the "common house cat." I've had seceral that could easily jump that high, and I have seen with my own eyes when Mau the Great and Powerful slapped the ceiling in my house going after a feather toy. Mau-I miss you every day.

Dark Souls is my dysfunctional relationship in games. I don't think it is possible to love anything more, yet hate it so very much at times. I find the lore and the adventure, the discovery so incredible, so inviting, yet I realize it won't be possible to see half of the world or it's mysteries. I just don't

You didn't like the cliff divers? Do they still have the guy in the bear suit? I really have to go back there....(yeah, I don't get out much.)

Don't tell me there's something wrong with Casa Bonita? The one in Denver? I've been trying to get back there since high school and i have many fond memories of the place. By the way, it's been almost 40 years but I don't remember the place being anything but fun. I'll bet it's even more fun these days, what with

Obviously, someone is listening. Thank you.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's the catholic church ran a program called Sky Ranch that was funded in good part by the liquor industry. It was almost surreal during holidays when the kids were given "gifts" which were often labeled with brand names including Bud, Phillips, etc. It just seemed very inappropriate

If you've ever suffered from IBS or Crohn's disease, you'll realize this is anything but a joke. Especially if you live in one of the Red states that won't allow expanded Medicare for it's poorest citizens.

He's a handsome boy.

It kind of makes you wonder what was in the rest of the emails doesn't it? Something so damaging that Sony would risk looking foolish and losing a ton of money? It just doesn't make sense to me that Sony would have backed down at this point unless they really had something to lose if further releases were made.

One of the best comments I've read on this website. Thank you for reminding me why I love science.