
Speaking for myself, I won't upgrade simply because of the lack of compatibility. I've been buying the "next generation" since Atari and I'm fed up. I've given away so many older games and I'm still sitting on hundreds of Nintendo, Playstation, Game Gear, Genesis, PSP, Playstation 2 and even a few cassette tapes

Thanks for saving me some money.

Thank you very much. I guess I'll go for Dragon Age instead.

Am I missing something? Why wasn't this released for Xbox 360? Or is the game broken too badly on the 360? I was considering a buy now that the price is down, but I'm a bit confused by the difference.

It's definitely South Dakota. Because when you sober up you remember you're in South Dakota.

Thank you, I'll give that a try. Have you noticed the elephants seem to decline in frequency about halfway through the game? I haven't figured out how to get in the northern half of the game yet but I never see elephants anymore. I wish there were more towers, that's my favorite part so far.

I'm glad I listened. Thank you, sometimes you never know how you can help someone else just by talking. I am sorry for your loss.

I'm playing on the Xbox 360. When I signed on yesterday it stopped and told me there was an update, then booted me off Live, then tried to download the update, then crashed because "couldn't update because I'm not connected or something." I tried several times but it is always the same; the game starts loading, says

I certainly don't agree with their tactics in this situation but is any of it going to matter if we don't have a planet to "come home to?" We can't appreciate or study historical monuments or areas of interest if we aren't able to survive. Perhaps the best thing to come from this will be a more serious discussion

Thank you very much.

Suck an egg. I've already covered my username on several occasions but if it offends you, don't bother to read it or respond. Sometimes things that you assume mean one thing are something else entirely. I won't change my username just because your snarky generation wants to put a cute name on every degrading sort

Dragon Age: Inquisition is $40 on all 4 consoles today, beating out its Cyber Monday Gold Box price.

I did, although I often tried to go faster when I "thought I could" I gave up hiding in lockers because it seemed like it makes so much noise (you can't come out quietly) the alien could hear you from rooms away. The whole medical bay sequence seemed like a futile effort to me. I'm not being critical of a good

I'll admit I gave up in frustration at a certain point in the game where it was all but impossible to move on. I tried everything but the constant ability of the alien to hear everything and skip from room to room without moving in a logical and predictive manner ruined the experience for me. If I want frustration

While working at the census in the 1980's I came up with a method to produce naturally carbonated fruit beverages, I still have the census booklet with all my diagrams. I was more interested in using a way to introduce the CO2 than the product produced. I missed the freaking boat.

WHY would you want to find a heli to take the towers-that's the best pert of the game. Honestly, I enjoy those towers more than anything else.

I found one of those little heli's. It started beeping, I jumped out-and I've never been able to find another.

That's a great shot. What is your camera?

I'm actually starting to enjoy this game. Just one question, where are those damn little helicopters?

I really believe they know exactly what they're doing but they don't give a shit. As long as the dollars continue to roll in they've made the decision to get what they can and screw the rest of us. I guess that's what greed does to people. I don't think we stand a chance of changing anything until we get the