
Sorry. I'm old. It used to be harmless and by the time I found out I figured screw it. We aren't all kids you know. I'm kind of glad I didn't go with anything referring to goats.


As someone who spent over 15 years testing soil and water for pollutants I'm really getting tired of this crap. I spent most of the 80's holding companies accountable for some of the same chemicals that they are pumping BACK into the ground for fracking. The public loves cheap gasoline but I assure you that is going

Thank you. I should have said "I suspect" applicable to cancer research. Don't you think the changes required in plant development almost have to be some kind of gene manipulation? Whether through a virus passed along with the egg or possibly some kind of chemical stimulation in the saliva of the larva? The fact

I wish I could find some of my old SEM negatives. They used a polaroid camera with those large negatives that allowed the prints to be greatly enlarged with not much loss. Somehow these tiny wasps cause the plant tissues to tend to all the larva's needs, by using all the "normal" cell types, but in areas where

These wasps can't hurt you at all. Their ovipositors are much to small to "sting" anything but a leaf. In fact the majority of the wasps that produce galls are not much bigger than this "0." You wouldn't even notice them in the woods.

Another person that finds galls interesting! I spent three years in college studying the development of galls with an SEM. Actually presented a paper at the SD Academy of Science in 1986. I was surprised how little research had been done previously, especially as I remain convinced to this day that some of the

Thanks, but I'm on...shudder....Xbox.

Wait....how do you "through stuff on the ground?" I've been trying to figure that out for an hour.

If I can't stream movies from that Fire Stick thing I guess I just wasted $20. I am one of the last few people on Earth without a cell phone and I don't plan on getting one. When the terminators start hunting the rest of you down I'm guessing you'll see the error of your ways.

Sprinkle a little salt on them and really enjoy the moment. Nothing more destructive to a garden than these little bastards. I spent quite a bit of time reenacting the witch's death scene from Wizard of Oz this summer, trying to protect my plants from these vermin.

Make your own pizza and use Kalamata olives! Perfection on a crust.

Where do you think the vast majority of those resources are going? Besides if the larger nations would set a better example by coming to the table and using some of that wealth to solve the problem we all might survive. Screw it. You can call it nagging if you want, I see it as responsible and mature behavior.

Does that mean we can ignore the other 10%? I kind of question that number, I know there's more but 90%? That also doesn't take into account the animal life, we aren't the only species on this planet-just the greediest.

I was unable to even try Destiny. I don't have a Gold membership. I guess I should have went PS3.

What I mostly get from this is the Northern hemisphere has totally shafted the rest of the planet. Seriously, the richest portions of the planet couldn't bite the bullet and put more resources to solving the problem? We are a species that just can't seem to help shitting in our own nest.

Well I was going to pat myself on the back for picking the right one out of the three I was interested in, but I'm still not sure. I know I've just started but Far Cry 4 hasn't really knocked my socks off yet.

Thank you very much.

So far it seems like Far Cry3 1/2. The only difference I've seen so far is the difficulty seems amped up. I hope I made a good decision, I was struggling between this and a couple others.

Honestly, I have no idea why someone hasn't remade that game.