
Thank you! I always wondered if my copy would be worth something someday. I guess not.

I did peyote years ago when I was in my 20's. I got it from a Native American friend. I was determined to do it the "right way," so I fasted for three days and tried to prepare myself. At the last moment I had reservations and decided to only take half what I had. All I remember was severe hot flashes and intense

Is there any truth to the story there were only a small amount of Maniac Mansion NES games that allowed you to actually microwave the hamster? I heard that Nintendo had them take that out of the game, but a few were released. I might have to look for that game in the basement.

I wish I still had the 69 Cuda. With the back seat down that was one of the few cars that would let me stretch out.

Thanks< I didn't know that. I wouldn't even have posted but I couldn't email the author and I seriously just wanted to help. I really enjoy these articles. I guess I miss college.

Excellent article. Not to be "one of those people," but shouldn't "bending in have" be bending in half?"

I was asking if Direct TV was better for viewing, not blaming them. I realize it was the network that did it. If you don't agree fine but I have an opinion also. If it were your team I'm sure you'd feel the same way, unless you're an Eagles fan.

All I really look forward to anymore is watching the Pack on the weekend. I was so mad I could have killed someone. It's just not right.

I worry about viruses. My friend was using Wkiwig or something like that and getting viruses all the time. Is it to much to ask to see the WHOLE game?

"America's Game of the Week" and those dipshits at Faux Sports cut away in the third quarter to the Arizona game? How bad is Direct TV? I couldn't be anymore pissed right now. Yeah, I realize in the scheme of things this is nothing, but I wait all week just to watch a game and forget about the really bad shit.

All I know is anything Cruz and Comcast are in favor of is sure to screw the rest of us.

Thank you, I'll look into that. But I'm one of the few people that doesn't own a cell phone.

Thank you, I'll look into that. But I'm one of the few people that doesn't own a cell phone.

Thanks. I guess I'll just stream through my Xbox but I wish someone would come up with a better alternative. The Xbox will only work with certain types of media. If I want to watch Youtube (and I don't anymore) I'll just watch on my laptop. I've tried Tversity, Plex and sveral others but they don't seem to work

Thanks. I guess I'll just stream through my Xbox but I wish someone would come up with a better alternative. The

Thank you.

Thank you.

I still don't get what these streaming sticks actually do. Can you stream a movie file on a laptop to the television? Or is it just for watching content from Hulu or Youtube?

I still don't get what these streaming sticks actually do. Can you stream a movie file on a laptop to the

If I can finally play Demon Souls I am so in. I still haven't been able to find a cheap PS3.

That's a great deal on the 3 TB drive but I won't shop on Ebay anymore after getting ripped off three times. I recently went back to Ebay but I'm really disappointed at the lack of security anymore. Buyers can pretty much do whatever they want-including canceling purchases and relisting if the winning bid is "too

That's a great deal on the 3 TB drive but I won't shop on Ebay anymore after getting ripped off three times. I

It's much higher.

I don't think that was my friend's problem. He was just a lazy prick. It sounds like I'm pretty mad about "just an animal," but trust me, there's much more to the story. And Joe-if you're out there and you recognize the reference-screw you. I had that salamander at least twice as long as our friendship. Oh yeah,

My salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) could have made 25 but I trusted a friend to watch him when I was put in the hospital, and he killed him by not keeping water in the aquarium. As I'm sure you know, they need wet skin. The friend is no longer a friend.