
Ok, that frog is too cool. How long have you had him? I had a salamander for 12 years.

Thanks for making my point. I understand water is a limited resource. I spent almost 20 years testing water and soil for pollutants. You are being a little disingenuous when you talk about our "many ways to purify water." There are many Superfund sites in my state alone that have sat for decades without any

Thank you for saying what I've been trying to get out for years. We continue to treat water like an unlimited resource with our lust for gas and oil. Fracking is us shitting in the well.

Also, why the hell am I grayed out yet again? I'm gone passing your links and recommending any stories until you knock this shit off.

The last halloween can't come soon enough. I absolutely hate the "holiday." It was okay years ago when it was mostly little kids but I've noticed a trend. It's mostly older kids now and some of them don't even bother with a costume. It's annoying as hell and it seeem more like a shakedown than a celebration. Screw

"Tell your health care professional," is wonderful advice. Especially to the millions of people in this country who have NO HEALTH CARE because they live in a red state.

Exactly. I still say that's why I found The Blair Witch so disturbing. Not until the very end and the scene in the basement. Nothing gory-just a realization and suddenly I'm like a kid. I wouldn't watch it again.

You reminded me of all those times I've worked with chloroform. Despite working in a hood the remainder of the day was usually pretty fuzzy. I do know everyone said they noticed I was in a better mood on those days.

Thanks for putting a name to it. As someone who has spent the last 40 years dreading any kind of situation that would lead to dancing I'm guess I'm a "fllailer."

Maybe if they wore their hats the right way...

I miss my SEM. I had pretty much unlimited access to my college's SEM during my last year of college. I've never found anything that felt so right as sitting in front of that instrument. It was almost like landing on another planet when you zoomed and moved the viewpoint.

I don't say, she did. People bought into it. It didn't hurt that she was a real looker. I guess that's why I stayed for 2 years. That, and the pot she bought in large amounts. I always thought I should have written a screenplay about the whole experience but I'm not sure anyone would believe me.

Those oils are Young Living essential oils. I had a girlfriend who swore by them. Expensive as hell but they smell great. She also made a living out of channeling an angel named Michael who gave advice and pontificated for hours on end. I miss her sometimes but then again I have a fair amount of self loathing.

Well said. I know it would take me forever to download 20 GB. Not everyone has a fast connection. Here in the sticks we only have one choice and it's not fast.

Seriously? That's great news. I was wondering why it just stopped.

One of the best shows I've seen on television. I looked forward to each and every episode and was sad to see the season over so soon. It's shows like this that make me wonder why anyone would watch the usual drivel.

When my daughter was much younger she got the tail from a Little Pony wrapped around a finger coming home from her grandmother's house. I pulled over immediately and spent the next five minutes listening to her screams and trying to get it off. I thought with all certainty she was going to lose the finger. The toy

Bring 'em on. I haven't had a good conversation with a cop for over 30 years. I actually enjoyed the experience.

I'll admit I wasn't "completely sober" when I bid on Ebay but I never expected such an ugly hilt. A cobra head with fake gem eyes. The blade was actually pretty nice. I kick myself now because that sucker would have been awesome during the apocalypse.

Now all I need is a saber. The last time I bought a sword off Ebay I ended up with a monstrosity with a cobra's head on the hilt. I loaned it to a friend and never saw it again.