
Thank you very much.

I wish someone would do an article on how you get the motivation to start when you're older and not in the best physical condition. I have the time I just can't find the "why the hell do I want to hurt even more?"

YES! I thought I was the only one who had noticed this. I see it on Youtube and Facebook all the time. I don't even comment on Youtube anymore because of it.

"Life will find a way"

Stuck in the grey is why I come here less and less often. It's becoming a clic like the "cool kids in High School."

I worked for years at Sky Ranch for Boys. The pay and the job were horrible but I had this sight to greet me almost every night. We were 80 miles from anything.

Cats for sure...take my word for it.

The UPS guy threw the package from Amazon against my door just the other day. I heard it hit as I was sitting 5 feet from the door. It was a hard drive by the way. Amazon customer service didn't give a crap. I canceled my prime membership.

All I got was a stick....

Or just make brownies in the first place. No evidence and lasts way longer.

Excellent advice. As a person who has suffered from depression since my teens, and having attempted when I was younger, I can tell you it does get better. Look for the reasons to stay strong each and every day. My cats have been my saving grace. I volunteer at a shelter and I find that gives me strength also.

Oh bullshit. It depends on the cat. I've owned cats for most of my adult life and out of dozens a few really stand out. It's a lot like humans in that regard. Most are average and "living a life of quiet desperation," but every once in a while someone stands above the rest.

What the heck is with the three or four step process to post your stories somewhere? I guess I won't be passing these things on as often. It's annoying.

Not funny at all and as a person who sees abuse on a daily basis at the shelter I volunteer for, I found the ending troubling. Too many stupid people treat animals like a toy or a possession rather than a responsibility and a opportunity. Attempting to find something funny in throwing an animal in the garbage is a

Having started as a "gamer" way way back when; I remember programming a game on the Timex Sinclair and saving to a cassette, I can tell you games might have gotten much better looking but they aren't always as much fun. The first few Zeldas and Blaster Master- now those were games! I think I just expected more.

I am sorry for your loss. Anyone that has never loved a cat like that is missing out on one of life's greatest treasures. Sam and Mau are waiting at the bridge for me also.

I had migraines most of my life up until I entered college. I saw a doctor and he prescribed Inderal (a beta blocker) usually given for other reasons. I was on it for 1 year and my migraines gradually lessened in severity. I haven't had one since and that was almost 30 years ago. Just saying it could be a

Loved that show. Best writing for television, ever.

I'm starting to wonder if the "right" is either paying hackers or encouraging malicious behavior. They've already admitted they would "do anything" to stop this act and they've demonstrated they are more than willing to shut down the government and hurt the citizens of this country. Not to say this administration

By 1900, "rednecks" was in common use to designate the political factions inside the Democratic Party comprising poor white farmers in the South.