
That's a Jerusalem cricket. I found one in the Cave Hills when I was younger. They look for all the world like they are carved from plastic or some kind of metal. They won't really hurt you and it's nice to see something that might survive us.

Well it wasn't near as big as the picture of course, but it was easily as long and wide as my forearm, and I'm a large guy. I really screwed up not getting a photo. I have researched it and never saw another Tiger salamander of that size. I had most of the ones I raised trained to take hamburger off a broom straw

When I was younger I raised Tiger salamanders. I even sold quite a few to a local pet store. It got so all the neighbors knew and one day two little kids brought me a box with a salamander they caught after a rain. When I opened the box I almost crapped as the Tiger salamander inside was much larger than any I had

Anyone else found the RV where the two guys come out wearing hazmat suits?

Very well said, thank you.

I so want to believe BUT there is now way I'm buying sneaking up on a sleeping individual of a species that has so far proved stubbornly evasive. I'm beginning to think J. Vallee is right about his theories regarding paranormal events. It's all part of a larger event that has followed us throughout history-the

I had a friend in college who swore by these things. He once described his experience as 2 days of profuse sweating, muscle cramps and intense frightening hallucinations. I never considered using them after his description. He paid his way though college growing pot on his grandfather's farm. He became a

I'm curious about ages here. Myself. I'm 56 and I'm finding getting a job impossible right now. I seriously believe age is the primary factor as I've been working since I was 17.

No, never did. I spent my first leave in bed with the young woman I was engaged to, we never even went out to see the sights. I'm sorry for that now. I was so freakin dehydrated that at one point in our "exercises" the backs of my legs cramped and I fell off the bed screaming. Seriously, I've never had that kind

Glad to see another "worm island" graduate. I was there in 1975. If I remember correctly, our company flag had a large crab on it. Standing nut to butt on seriously hot tarmac, feeling like you might pass out most days, god I almost miss it.

Could UPS be ANY slower? I should have just went to the local store but I was sure they would be sold out so I ordered from Amazon. Our UPS driver seems to get lost sometimes.

Thank you. I wanted to say this so bad.

Grand Theft Bigfoot: Writing for The New Yorker, Simon Parkin takes a look at the ongoing hunt for Bigfoot in the woods of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I love this sort of video game myth-hunting, particularly the creepy goings-on we saw in Red Dead Redemption. Will Bigfoot turn up in GTA V? Time will tell.

I understand the gun, we pass those out like candy in this country, but where the hell do you get a grenade?

THAT is a great shot! How old is the little guy?

Really nice work. What is your camera?

Agreed. They passed up a big opportunity here especially with any future sequels. I loved the game but won't buy another from Square Enix because of this oversight. We get tons of useless DLC for other games that weren't half as well done but nothing for this game.

After a lifetime of living with cats I can assure you they are capable of love and affection. My best friend Mau, who I buried last year was a good example. I have no doubt he loved me as much as I loved him and I know I will miss him until the day I die. It's just a rare trait and it seems to come with age and

I think you're on to something. I'd love to read the book.

It might be too little too late-I no longer trust them. I will be getting the Sony. Anyone want a used Xbox 360 and about 30 games-cheap?