Smarter than the Average Bear

Still OK. IMHO.

As an avowed pedant I would like to bitch about the people who try to schedule me in a meeting “Tomorrow at 1pm EST”. My ass is so tempted to show up at 9am PDT just to teach them a lesson about being un-necessarily specific.

I would like to suggest that if you forget that you are carrying a firearm during the time it take you to do your business perhaps you shouldn’t be carrying that firearm.

Former ‘tender and I concur. I definitely bent over for someone who gave me a larger tip at the beginning of the evening.

I had to change the way I wrote some numbers/ letters when I got to Algebra because I often couldn’t distinguish numbers from letter variables. Most of those changes have persisted into my adulthood.

This is 100% acceptable. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

When a show or a comedian uses transgerderism (?) as a basis for their jokes I turn it off/ change the channel/ walk out. I don’t find it funny even a little bit.

By sucking on national TV.

I see what you did there...:)

Obligatory: Not all heroes ware capes

Please, when you decide to sell this car, post on craigslist and forward to Jalopnik so we can vote on it for “Nice price, or crack pipe”. I don’t care what you are asking I will give you a nice price just for the story alone!

My grandad had me outside digging up his water line to install a new shutoff valve. He went in to take a nap. I nailed a large rock that was on top of the PVC line with my pick. There was a geyser 20 feet in the air as I scrambled to get to the source and shut the system off (Off grid gravity fed system). I went to

Can confirm this makes for tasty leftovers. My favorite is snack or lunch with peanut butter. I call them simply Peanut Butter Pancakes and they are THE BEST

It must all be short people that say “Just recline your seat if the guy in front reclines his” as a solution. Reclining my seat doesn’t magically give me any more leg room. As it is my upper body and torso that moves, not my legs. You *can* recline your seat if you like but I sure would prefer if you don’t. I don’t

How bad could it really be? This is all hyperbole right?

This is the most appropriate comment for this article. So appropriate in-fact that it should be the only comment.

I’m CERTAIN that this is why Bainbridge is in 206 and not....ugh...360.

IIRC the stadium was funded with an “out of towners” tax on hotels and rental cars. So taxes, yes, but it is doubtful that she actually pays any of them.

Electrolytes...what cabinets crave.

DeVos: This is the fault of the children who chose to live in those areas with no choice in school. Please see my last comment.