Database/ reporting person here. Accounting for a 23 and 25 hour day with data is a huge pain in the ass!
Database/ reporting person here. Accounting for a 23 and 25 hour day with data is a huge pain in the ass!
No use in arguing...
Or you could buy this. It probably weighs less:
Well we have established that I didn’t understand.. But basically, yes. Since the article states that Hendricks has previously been very outspoken about this issue that she would be likely amenable if not eager to continue to discuss this again. Also since it was the publicist that said no to the line of questioning…
Little less than 2 weeks to arrive. Good service. Good quality.
Little less than 2 weeks to arrive. Good service. Good quality.
The true tell is in how you pronounce “Sorry”
No sorry, I was having comprehension problems as I didn’t quite get who the woman was that was uncomfortable and who the man was (at first). also wan’t sure which part was the sarcasm
and the uncomfortable woman is the publicist?
As a man with his own #metoo experiences I don’t know what is appropriate with the movement. On the one hand I want to show women who have been harassed and assaulted that they are not alone. On the other hand I don’t want to take the focus away from the women (who have had it way worse for much longer).
Is the man with the bad behavior you are referring to Matt Wiener? I see that the publicist is a woman...
I’m calling Pinkham’s Law on this comment!
I am getting to the point in my career that I could be asked to participate on a panel discussion at a conference. I am going to remember this.
Someone with a promising career should not have their life ruined because of one mistake. /s
Most schools are a “Type II” construction with regards to fire safety (Best is a Type I). While I agree that a combination attack should be considered when drilling, the ability to “burn down the building” is nearly impossible with most schools.
Voiced by an actor who is a POC...but yeah we should be doing better.
But Muh Rights!!!11!!
Don’t forget that these same people (Who think that they need to defend against government and military coming after them) are also saying that we need to respect the troops...