Smarter than the Average Bear

I’d take it. Conference in “Lenny” then record it and see how long it took for them to figure it out.

I tended bar for several years. I did not allow a single employee of my company to pay for a post shift drink or tip me for it.  You gotta look out for your co-workers!

I watched a show once where they mentioned this and in power companies at the time both Jigga- and Gigga- were acceptable pronunciations.

Too soon!  ;)

I concur.

Washington’s Senator is Patty Murray.  Not Murphy.  

I would LOVE to stand next to the “Shall not be Infringed” guy with a sign of my own that says “Well Regulated...”

This whole thread is MY JAM!  I loved ALL of the books mentioned!  :)

Sold out!

Sold out!

This is a perfect reply!

Thank god for stunt people in the credits. Otherwise, how would I know how to spell star wars names like “Peli Motto” or “Toro Calican?” Oh, Star Wars.

Gonna have my Artificial Human remote pilot a drop ship. once it’s here we leave, with our without you.

I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit.  Only way to be sure...

Your mom likely saved actual lives.  She for sure made our world a better place.  

My wife teaches at a toddler gymnastics franchise. Their slogan for kids in classes is: “Be Safe, Have fun

This happened to me a few weeks ago. Lady in front of me had an order of about 8 super complex drinks and there was ONE person working the till and making the drinks. I had already been waiting about 5 minutes.

Plus cars driving right down the center.

I run a reminder application for a major medical center. We send around 10,000 doctor appointment reminders per day.

I like it...