I didn’t make it all the way through your comment (sorry) but I have a doctor friend that tried to sell me on his MLM supplements. “It will cure your (type 1) Diabetes!”
No one should be allowed to answer this questions without providing reasoning for their answer, and responding to refutations for holes in that reasoning (the hinge of the bun is your reason? Then what about a sub sandwich?)
My granddad once pointed out that the label says: “100% Grated Parmesan Cheese” as in 100% Grated...................Parmesan Cheese.
Just so you know I DO order all of my sandwiches with Mayonnaise, I run all the killer apps and I even own a soldering gun! :)
Want to be certain that you will never get a free drink while also ensuring that you will be last to get noticed when it gets busy? Just say these 6 little words:
My first thought was “Yeah but will they have a speaker to make the sound of the engine struggling to climb a 2% grade at 45 MPH before having to downshift to 2nd on the freeway to avoid stalling out?”
he still listens to the show “all the time,” mostly to hear his brother’s voice and remind himself about times they had together. To remind himself of the jokes they shared. To remind himself of the good times.
From an Old Capitol Steps routine:
Please know that a good portion of the reason that your son is a marvelous human being is that you are as well and you are teaching that quality to him. Like follows like...shadow of the the change...etc.
How about we do this:
There is so much truth in this that all i could do was laugh and lose a mouthful of coffee all over my desk!
Pack-ability. flat>bulky
Pack-ability. flat>bulky
Seems like one of his prior sentences is about to get un-suspended...
Watch it! That kind of talk can get you sent back “Where you came from” because you clearly don’t belong here with that attitude!
I love a strong, high IBU, IPA. That being said I don’t lose my shit when a bar doesn’t carry the sorts of beer that I like. I just stop going to that bar.
I read the headline and assumed that this was just a 15 year old article popping up like they tend to do on this site.
To be fair my lawyer would be the first person I would speak to after being arrested for ANYTHING. :)
I read the headline as : [can I]...ask for a table FOR 15, minutes before closing time.
For the readers in Washington just check out this plug I saw recently: