Smarter than the Average Bear

I was a teenager driving a ‘67 Mustang with a gauge that read 1/4 tank too full. I was wearing a white tux with tails. My date was wearing a full length evening gown with a slit practically up to her armpits. Car died in the intersection in front of the gas station.

The semi automatic weapon I own is a colt 1911. It is about 70 years old. It is semi automatic because I can fire it without having to cock the hammer or clear the chamber. A great many handguns are “Semi Automatic” this is actually quite common.

I agree. This was most definitely a stunt that was planned. JJ and JT were of course complicit. I would be willing to bet there were others. Everything said by the performers since has been in an effort to cover up and “Save” their careers (To varying degrees of success).

Plus Burma and Liberia.... ;)

Dude! This should have been obvious to me but I somehow missed it. Thanks!

Dude! This should have been obvious to me but I somehow missed it. Thanks!

Amen! I have found that adding to my cart...logging out then logging into Smile works, and I hope that the commission still goes to our friends here, but having the link work automatically would be nice.

Amen! I have found that adding to my cart...logging out then logging into Smile works, and I hope that the

WTF! I have ROLLS of tape holding my car together and I still can’t hit 60 on the on-ramp...going downhill..with a tailwind. Perhaps I need a different brand?

Good for her doing the work to get things done....but....

Yeah...you pretty much did:

Still not sure where you folks figure that standing in the street is a capital offense.

First: None of these are in Washington where this was posted

NO you are not allowed to murder protesters because they are blocking your way to work. JFC what planet did you grow up on!

Murdering people because you were late for work? Nah man. That ain’t right.

I loved the TT body style since the first model came out in 99. I’m sad to hear they are not good cars. :(

My place in Central Washington is less than 2 miles from one of the bigger fires (Jolly Mountain Fire). As of today it is 25K acres and there are 800+ personnel working it. It has been burning from nearly a month and is 5% contained. My Grandfather bought the place in the early 60's and my kids are the 4th

Mass Hysteria!

maybe this is why the greys are disappearing...

Hating pumpkin spice and declaring loudly to the world makes me put you in the same group as those against gay marriage. Don’t like it? Don’t have one. Shut up about it.

Heh. I have a bottle in the back of my fridge from last fall. Bring over a nice hoppy IPA and we can drink them together! :)