Where do the wildfires come in to that rating?
Where do the wildfires come in to that rating?
Pacific Northwest:
Oh, of course. I was just riffing on all of the “Millennials are killing X” posts. (http://www.therooster.com/blog/10-brutally-real-reasons-why-millennials-refuse-have-kids)
Woah, whoah, woah.... sitter? That means you have kids right? Haven’t you heard that millennials are childless and don’t have sex anymore?
I too would like to see a source for that claim...I have a property that has neither land line service nor cell coverage so not sure how I could comply...
you and me...we are stuck in the middle. :(
Just let them in.
Traffic is not a line though. Someone changing lanes to be in front of you is not cutting. Just let them in. You have no idea how liberating it is when you stop caring about that 15 feet of “lost” space as a personal slight.
So, like this only less delicious?
Now, as long as people are eating animal based foods, we should do absolute best to get every last scrap of nutrition out of every animal that is raised and killed for human consumption. The more we can get out of a single animal the fewer total animals we need to kill to feed people. Morality aside, it is also very…
Only game ever game me the creeps was 5 nights at freddy’s
Had to scroll back up...WTF!
I’m in with the falcons. But I’m more of an Epmpire guy myself. I would LOVE to hang an original Star or Super Star Destroyer in my office.
Not a car. Last winter after inheriting my grandad’s vintage 1982 Polaris Snowmobile I took it to the shop and had them fix anything that was wrong and tune it up for the season. Among other things the shop replaced all of the fuel lines and ensured that the engine was running smoothly.
yeah. Came to say this too. I also have a few cord that have a bump on the top. So no worries int hat dim room.
This is strange I agree but just not true in my case. For me it is my Uncle in-law (During the election he said that if Hilary won that my children would be murdered).
What’s that old trope? “White Supremacists don’t kill people... cars kill people...”