Nah dude...that is what your hazards are for...Just ask any meter maid.
Nah dude...that is what your hazards are for...Just ask any meter maid.
In the US it is called “Contributory Negligence” and like Australia it is mostly an insurance tool used to not pay out claims. I live in a small town where in the winter folks leave their car running outside while going into Starbucks. If their car is stolen the insurance won’t pay.
You and me should meet and then forget each other. We could be great friends for a few minutes at time! :)
I actually struggled finding a modern commercial where they talked. I made the call to go with the classic ET based hype. I stand by my choice. ;)
Counterpoint: This is how the ACTUAL COMPANY pronounces its product:
Did you know that the only known natural enemy of the hole is the pile? ...that a the beach police I guess...
...the size of Matzo Balls...
Oregon and Washington still have beaches that you can drive on.
boat on the left is similar to this:
I love this. Will you marry me?
What about rich kids who plan on living off of their trust funds? When will we start to consider rich white Americans when crafting public policy. When, I say?! /s
You own the home, the bank owns you.
I’m going to politely disagree here. Your consumption of drugs or alcohol doesn’t excuse your behavior. At what point do you draw the line?
So, I prefer a strong, independent, woman. I am currently married to one and she is instrumental in my plan to raise a strong, independent, daughter. (It is going swimmingly by the way :).
Yeah. I came to make the same comment. Those “Certain men” are actually violent criminals. Sure, I suppose that, techinically, they are “Not behaving”, but seriously, The release should have said something like “Due to our inability to protect all attendees of the festival it has been cancelled. We will consider…
Sounds like he wants to find a “Final solution” to our “Muslim question”
No, they mean passing the ball on the goal line when you have the best linebacker in the league....
FTFY. ;)