Smarter than the Average Bear


You comment makes me wonder where the Pro-Lifers are denouncing this. One of their big things is “What if that baby has the cure to cancer in thier head and is never born.”

The Krikland hot dog has been seriously wronged by being left off of this list.

There may be those who say “What’s the big deal?” or “This is a waste of time and money. What about the real issues facing our courts?”

You forgot: “Hillary Clinton Ran a Secret E-mail Server” —Fox News

Is there another kind of dead body?

Surprise penis never made anyone happy.

Not even close. The Oreo Wikipedia page has them out in 1974.

You, sir, are a hero. You are the type of person that is a light in the darkness that we seem to be living in right now. This was a fun read, and being a non-wrencher I even learned something!

Rough day to make this announcement...

I’m a former Firefighter in Washington State. The law sates that I can ignore traffic rules (like running a red light) so long as I exercise “due regard for safety” This means that if I put lives or property in danger by violating the rules, I can no longer violate those rules without being held responsible for the

That was the best part of the whole article!

As a mediocre middle aged white guy I would love to get some of that sweet sweet failing upwards love.

Republican attitudes towards reproductive health:

Wait, Witches are surprised that christians want to burn them? I thought that that trope was so old that we were actually mocking it now...for decades...

Your last sentence there is the real key here. If this was the thing that kept you up at night-worrying about your butthole being visible to your SO- I would kill to have your level of problems!

OHMYGOD! I would kill for this to be the biggest worry of my life right now.

Let’s be clear...there was some dispute...

Also man now. Also a former boy. I, however DID find bra straps distracting. They are much more tantalizing than shoelaces because boobs.

Totally. Came here to say this. You beat me to it.