
I can tell you're a white guy from this comment, bruh.

This is Maya Angelou's LOLWUT face

I read this yesterday, and I do not understand this person on any level. Buy candy and hand it out. If you run out of candy, turn your light off. The end.

Ronald Reagan? The actor?!

I feel like King of Queens is somehow to blame... See in my day we had Roseanne! Fat man marries fat lady and they are funny and loveable together. King of Queens made all the fat guys think they should ditch their Roseanne-style wives for Leah Remni types, and anyone who can't get that type blames the fat ladies for

I hear you. Mini just WOULD NOT LATCH. He'd clearly be hungry, I'd put him to the breast and he'd just look at me like, "Uhhh... no. I am aware of the bottle, that's easier. Get that."

ALL THE STARS to your pediatrician. He spoke the truth.

For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:

Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho are not in the Midwest! We're in the West! We're in the monochromatic, libertarian-leaning, "maybe oppressive corporations will stop being so oppressive if we just close our eyes and let them do whatever they want all the time," Wild West. (Utah, of course, has the added bonus of

They're all states in the Midwest or the South.

I will not address the awful comments. I'll move on to something else.

Not a damned thing.

What's wrong with being a dick-sucking whore?

Little lady, you should have known that you should not be working when you are *whisper* in the family way.

It hardly looks like something that was produced on his behalf by a PR department. It's not on letterhead or even formatted like a business letter. It's just a simple note like someone might write for a friend (you know, if you printed out messages for friends instead of emailing them).

I am trying to make all my kids have that internal shame (I do come from a military family and I have allergies, so I am at just below OCD levels), but somehow it is only taking in my son. My daughters are gross and proud of it. They will throw their used socks in with their shoes. They will put worn clothes back in

Me when I left my ex husband: I can't do this anymore.

Nice, but could use more boots and pants and boots and pants.

This is amazing. Though it all seems a bit ominous and foreboding, like it's a front and Liam Neeson is going to pop up and start kicking their international slave-trading asses. Maybe it's just all the pantyhose and illusion colorblocking... You can't trust that.