My dad is a huge Julia Child fan and frequently made, what I realize now, was very tasty food. Sometimes we'd get fancy weekend breakfasts with egg cups. You get the picture.
Or alternatively, make a dip from cream cheese. Cause cream cheese is delightful.
Please, come sit next to me. We can be new best friends, cause I have the same shirt.
As a depressed person, "whatever" is my response to just about everything.
I was hoping for a stylish Borderline Personality Disorder sarong! That's sarong and I'm sari...
My husband and I have been wondering what to name our future boat. "Penis Captivus" for the win!
Funny, these kinds of altercations never seem to happen at the symphony, the theatre or the ballet. At least not in the audience.
I apologize for you having to make that apology, and think we're safe now. Unless this apology offends someone, and if so, I apologize for this apology as well.
I'd like to apologise for anything anybody has ever done to anybody else ever.
I see she didn't apologize for wishing a connection to Kanye West on this poor kid. What's worse, some awkward feelings stemming from a TV segment recorded when you were an infant, or 30 years of awkward Thanksgivings spent in the dining room of Kanye's compound?
Pappy Duckhead was using his GOD GIVEN right to free speech. MHP is just a mean spirited left wing racist who should be lynched before she's fired. Get with the program, people.
Yes. As a male feminist this comment made me do the smile-that looks-like-frown face that keeps me from crying. Bless you.
What a brave person.
Puppy? Pepsi? WTH, people?
Lets not drag ZZ Top into this.
This is amazing. My boyfriend last night was moaning about how great Jason Alexander is at singing and dancing and what a tragedy it is that all anyone remembers is Seinfeld. I am thrilled to tell him that his singing and dancing will live on forever in the hearts of McDLT lovers.
A PR executive? A PR EXECUTIVE?