Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.
I suggest letting the wookie get all the stars
FAIL! I could follow your writing.
I keep thinking back to my high school English teacher. If I had turned that in as a sentence in an essay, he would have handed it back to me and said “You like to show off? How about you diagram this sentence for the class.”
I have a vague notion but got lost in the mythopoetic stew of shitty writing.
I couldnt read anything in the post because I could not get by:
The director of “Rogue One,” Gareth Edwards, has stepped into a mythopoetic stew so half-baked and overcooked, a morass of pre-instantly overanalyzed implications of such shuddering impact to the series’ fundamentalists, that he lumbers through, seemingly stunned or constrained or cautious to the vanishing point of…
You probably saw this before, but just in case:
“How has he had any business success at all?”
Absolutely. The smarter someone is, the greater their grasp of the limitations imposed by their own knowledge. In other words - smart people know how dumb they are, whereas dumb people often think they’re smart.
Yeah, Trump is one of the most striking examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect that I’ve ever seen.
He doesn’t just lack intellectual curiosity, he’s fucking lazy and unwilling to do any part of the job that he finds boring. He could literally get someone to read his daily briefings to him in their entirety, but he won’t even do that.
Part of being smart is knowing what you don’t know. He has no intellectual curiousity, none.
It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.
We’re all going to die. After we’ve been handed over to Russia. Orange Hitler has no idea what he’s doing.
Someone should have tuned the driver on how to drive...
Correct, them bitches love trees.