Have a great day!
Have a great day!
That was a near perfect intercept in 4 dimensional space with the hand coming perpendicular to the force vector of the ball.
Here is something that is perhaps funnier. One of the things that the press whipped George Bush for during his first run for President is that he didnt remember that Pervaiz Musharrif was the PM of Pakistan.
For a Mexican, Louis CK hasnt done that badly for himself. /s (He was born in Mexico, like many great Americans are.)
You missed the invasion of Attu and Kiska in 1942, the last occupation of US soil.
I think we are ging to have to put ‘Scandanavian Jet Evaluation’ with the same grain of salt that we take things like ‘Marine Declaration of IOC’, ‘Project Milestone Met’ and ‘Future Cost Estimates’ in regards to the F-35.
The numbers you are using are not in any way based on reality or flyaway cost.
Im sorry, but there has never been nor will there ever be an F-35 that costs anywhere near $85 million dollars. F-35s cost ~$185 million a pop, are notoriously unreliable and wont actually work for at least 7 years. The declaration of IOC by the Marines previously and the upcoming Air Force IOC are both exercises in…
Your comment is a lie. There are a great many things that can be done now for service life extension (wing replacement being the most important). The airframes have plenty of time left in them and if service life is the concern, there are many ways to deal with that currently.
Yes, that would be true except for the fact that is has performed this CAS mission successfully (and frequently) for ~25 years of active combat (including against SAM equipped enemies).
I despise you willfully ignorant F-35 fanbois...
Another blithering idiot, speaking about things he doesnt understand. CEP doesnt mean shit in CAS, especially when compared to the blast radius of a munition. the 30mm DP round of the GAU-8 can and has been used in ‘Danger Close’ situations with 100 meters, something no bomb or missile could (or would be allowed) to…
You are a complete and total moron, please STFU...
That is because he is an idiot F-35 fanboi much like yourself.
You are an idiot.
You are an idiot.
Um, no, but nice try! A radar has to see the target, the missile has to be ‘locked’ to the target and the target has to remain in sight.
You are not only a liar, but you are also obviously ignorant of the subject at hand. There is no aircraft in the world more suited for CAS (as well as a number of other air/ground missions) than the A-10.
The F-35 is a disaster, the sooner the entire project is scrapped forever, the sooner the resulting money can be freed up for more effective ways of providing air power.
It’s more of a political issue than a logic one at this point, our government can be immensely stupid, they just need to
fund stuff properly in the first place.cancel the F-35 and use the money to find more cost effective solutions to current and future force needs.