
Serious question: is Android piracy is more frequent than iPhone piracy simply because it's easier to do, or do you think it has to do with each platform's endemic audiences? It seems like the stereotypical Android user would be more likely to "hack" their phone than the stereotypical iPhone user.

I'm kind of offended that Jez monolithically categorized gossip columnists and trashy reality television as "women's careers and interests."

Anyone interested in this subject should check out Promises I Can Keep, a great ethnography on the familial motivations of poor women.

I'm really, really happy with the screen on my new 17-inch Samsung Series 7 Chronos, matte display and all.

Choice is great — that's why I'm an Android user. If some PEOPLE want a device that looks pretty and isn't a powerhouse, that's fine. It's just insulting when the assumption is that those people are always women.

You said: "Wait, what? Pretty sure breast cancer gets far more priority than any other cancer. What other illnesses effect primarily women that we need to focus on?" and I responded directly to that comment.

No, it's the same as pink baseball hats. It's insulting to think all we care about is the image of our tech/team gear and not the internals. Remember the HTC Rhyme/Bliss/whatever the hell flowery name they ended up calling it? It was released in 2011 and had the specs of a Droid Eris circa 2009. But it was purple!

Sorry, that's what I meant. He changed it now, but just seven words separated "Acer" from "ASUS."

It's worse that he writes "ASUS" in literally the next sentence.

I swear I'm not trolling: does this affect Android as well?

Um, Coach already did this with their Baseball Heritage collection. They also have briefcases, duffels, and paperweights. I could only afford the keychain.

That's not limited to sports fans. There are people who can only talk about music and nothing else, movies and nothing else, shoes and nothing else, etc. If you're advocating for well-rounded individuals with diversity of knowledge, I'm all for that. If you're arguing that there's something inherent in sports that

Thank you. As an aspiring sports writer myself, I can't tell you how much more ire I've received from other women than the men who are supposed to view my fandom as a turnoff.

Duh, the guy was concerned with utility and function and making a new technology available to the masses at an affordable price point. He is CLEARLY the ass in this situation.

I was accepted at both Barnard and Columbia. I went to Stuyvesant (where, by the way, I did actually finish Calculus by sophomore year) and wanted to experience a smaller, less sprawling environment. I opted to attend Barnard: same education, more individualized dean system, plus a proud Barnard tradition in my

I wish I could high-five you through the computer. As a woman who avidly reads both Giz and Deadspin, I come across these kinds of comments all the time in what is usually a well-informed and intelligent forum. I avoid responding because it tends to lead to someone telling me to "go back to Jezebel," so let me just

I had no idea Gizmodo polls were voted on by the Baseball Writers Association of America.

I've had this argument several times with my friends, many of whom are linguistics majors. You're absolutely right in that language is perpetually evolving, changing, and adapting. The problem, however, is that the purpose of language isn't simply to communicate, but to communicate well. As Biddle wrote, the hashtag

If you want a romantic movie with an interracial couple, check out Something New. It adeptly deals with the issues of dating outside your race, while bucking stereotypes and featuring a strong lead in Sanaa Lathan. (Plus, Simon Baker is kind of delectable.)

I was date-raped at a bar near campus by a middle-aged man (that is to say, not at the hands of a fraternity). That summer, I befriended several brothers of my school's SigEp chapter, and remained a fixture in the frat throughout college. I can honestly say that it was the comfort and "brotherhood" of these fine