
You're not wrong, but at the same time that attendance is up, ratings have taken a dive this year. With Knicks tickets as expensive as they are, I'd argue then that the people actually going to the games aren't necessarily the mass of "fans" who vote with their wallets, but the execs and businessmen entertaining

So, I'm actually the one who asked this question, and the most interesting part of this exchange was his answer to my follow-up: "Would you punish a player for the same email?" He insisted no, but given his disciplinary record I have a hard time believing a player would face no consequences for calling an elderly fan

Pretty sure playing to your consumer base is the ultimate capitalist move though, commie.

Who's gonna have the balls to tell Tedy Bruschi?

As a Stuy alum, I can tell you this kid is definitely a goober in a school full of them. That said, I have a bit of an issue with your whole, "Teens are supposed to dream of making careers doing something frivolous and unattainable, not soul-sucking and practical" point While I share your disdain for aspiring,

More women in executive positions would be a good start.

More women in executive positions would be a good start.

I understand what you're saying as well, but Luxembourg was an admittedly extreme example I threw out there to illustrate a broader point: An army-like police force is only necessary to keep the peace in a culture of self-perpetuating fear. In our culture, that fear is based primarily on race, not on any tangible or

Can you imagine a society that doesn't perpetuate fear based on racial division to justify an ever-militarizing police force? (You can. It's called Luxembourg.)

I don't know a single person in the industry who didn't bust their ass both in unpaid internships and at the school paper — and that's one of the reasons media folk overwhelmingly skew upper-middle-class and white.

You might "sense" that our entitled generation doesn't want to go through the grunt work, but we all

It's also the argument that was used to deny women their place in the military for so long. But hey, if prejudice is making us equally afraid of manparts as ladyparts, that's progress, right?

Sorry if this is has an obvious answer, but will we be able to save songs for offline listening, a la Spotify Premium?

Yeah, I don't get it, either. The notion that sports and science/video games/comics/insertstereotypicallynerdythinghere have to be mutually exclusive is just as damaging and false when it comes from the nerds as when it comes from the jocks.

You know what a reality show based on Girls and set in New York would have? At least one person actually from New York.

What if I currently have an unlimited data plan with Verizon that covers LTE?

That's assuming we ever field a team young enough to warrant a Jeter gift basket.

As a Yankee fan, I can comfortably assert that Jeter will never have the problem of feeling out of place because the team is full of players in their early 20s.

Interesting — I'm inclined to agree. Additionally, much of the iPhone's selling point is its ease-of-use and the fact that you can just pull it out of the box and go. An Android takes a lot more work to make full use of the platform's functionality; if a user has agreed from the point-of-purchase to put this work into

I'm with you. Sure, Maggie annoys the shit out of me and is totally a neurotic, can't-get-her-shit-together, damsel-in-distress male fantasy, but I still find value in many of Will McAvoy's prudent albeit condescending social criticisms. I'm not offended by his regaling of reality television and gossip columnists