
I’ve interviewed the author of this post and Emma Sulkowicz for Gawker. I consider myself to have a reasonable bullshit detector, and a strong grasp of the issues involved at Columbia. I found the author and Emma surprisingly forthright, wholly credible, and supremely conscientious at all points in our interviews. I

We're mostly helpless, though. If you've got basic cable, you're paying $5 a month or so for MSG, and you've not no choice in the matter. The Knicks are profitable more thanks to their RSN than actually selling tickets or merchandise. The system is stacked in Dolan's favor.

I wavered for a second, but I did some soul-searching, and I can now say without a shadow of a doubt that this is some top-level kinja, my dude.

"Maybe I'm looking at this too idealistically"

Plus, he's white.

I have done far more than glance at headlines on this case. I have looked at every detail. You can hang your hat on uncertainties as a way of protecting all that you hold sacred. Be my guest.

To be fair, if anyone knows about players who did worse than Rice did, it's a Ravens fan.

"Don't draft this guy."

I know that a lot of the very progressive countries in Europe and Scandinavia aren't actually as progressive as we think for the exact reason you point out: i.e. that the populations are so homogeneous that the population actually *is* racist but doesn't have any racial diversity to actually *act* racist.

That said, I

It's an old American tradition to want fairness for oneself while shitting on someone else.

Choosing a particular size does determine the structure of a game. Not all extremely tall men are good basketball players, but the NBA selects men who are tall and will train them to be part of the machine that may well chew them up and spit them out. The selection is the control.

"...I'm sure you guys will vilify factually characterize him as a sexist and racist..."

I think what Sarah Spain might be mistakenly assuming is that Knicks fans want and/or appreciate the media coverage of their team. They don't. (Unless it is utilized to spearhead a guerrilla offensive against the Dolan regime, that is.)