
Does anyone really think an Android user cannot distinguish between "Ice Cream" and "Froyo"? This kind of condescending pandering is why we hate Apple.

@xSix: I believe that's his rap name.

@originaldave77: It was, dude. Hell, I'd buy an Invader Zim phone RIGHT NOW as long as it ran Android.

@MojiMoji: Thanks for posting that. Can we trade for you guys? I hear Staten Island is seriously considering free agency.

@Snarfblat: My, what a small body you have.

@HarpMadness: I've only ever lived in NYC, so I'm not exactly an authority here, but I imagine you feel the same way as conservatives who live in the rest of New York State. "Damn libbies in the city, give us god-fearing folk a bad name!" Because seriously, once you leave city lines, all you're left with are

@TheloniousFunk: Desi Arnaz just turned over in his grave (and landed on a bottle of rum and a hooker).

@scootermom: You're missing out. They're not all like that, I promise. And, in the case of football hockey, the one's that are like that often get the shit beat out of them. It's like the feminist rewrite of Bully Beatdown.

I've worked in sports for the past five years in various capacities—journalism, team administration, market research, etc.—and my totally nonscientific, first-hand observation is this: the rampant sexism that seems inevitable when dealing with as male-dominated and testosterone fueled an arena as sports is at the

@SparklyJesus: Well, I didn't mean to imply that you are a little girl, and hopefully I cleared that up for you with my above post. When I said little girls, I meant actual little girls. I just think we're past the whole silly names issue, don't you? It would be like me saying I could never own an iPad because it

@SparklyJesus: Has it really gotten to the point at which we start throwing around "troll" every time someone disagrees with us? If so, I can't wait until the next election. Maybe Danny DeVito will come down and sing another song. Lots of boys' souls to be had.

@SparklyJesus: Which is worse: the one that sounds like it's used by little girls or the one that's actually used by little girls?

@ninja_togo: That's what they should have called Android 1.0. I'm assuming, of course, that awesome-sauce tastes like Nutella.

@justinpe: I don't mean this to sound facetious, though as a Fandroid it seems inevitable, but is video chat really all that useful? One of the joys of the phone call is not having to give a shit about your hair being tangled or that unidentifiable stain in the middle of your shirt, and I thought texting was so

@SparklyJesus: "I feel like it would be strictly cutesy and flashy but have nothing actually useful behind it."

Ah, double post. Missed you, old friend.

@Reil: Lifehacker Ninja: I can't tell you how many times I've tried to use the word "fragment" in its actual dictionary-definition capacity and have three or four harpies correct me on what "fragmentation" actually means in the tech world, which annoys me because (a) I know that "fragmentation" is, and (b) stfu.

@RacecarBoobTat: How is the S10-3t? I debated for a long time and ended up going with the regular netbook after reading a bunch of reviews critical of the touch lag. I'd be curious to hear first-hand impressions. I was devastated when they shelved the U1 hybrid.

@philosopher_dog: I have an IdeaPad netbook, a ThinkPad, and a ThinkCentre and trust me, they're all much more solidly built than anything Apple or Dell has to offer. My roommate dropped my ThinkPad from five feet high and the thing still runs like the wind five years later. Plus, drainage holes in the keyboard!