
@Pierzy: Zoinks, that's good.

@Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas: Ah, I understand, I unsarcastically apologize for getting defensive. Don't find too many fellow bleeding hearts on sports blogs, dontyaknow.

@Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas: I apologize—clearly my youth deters me from knowing just how shitty it was to live in America 50 to 8o years ago unless you were a white male.

@Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas: Seriously, is there any way to read his comments without a racist twinge? "Obama doesn't represent real America ... We need to get back to where we were 50, 80 years ago" — Yeah, but there isn't room for half the population in the back of the bus.

Kings for Android is also quite good, especially if, like me, you always forget the cards and never remember the rules.

@Grindhouse Murders: When I couldn't afford my Droid X (read: when my parents refused to pay for it), I had to settle for an Eris. For $99 for a few months until my contract was renewed, it was totally worth it. I am now a lucky owner of the powerhouse that is X, but during that interim period an Eris was a hell of a

@gijenny01: It is totally the consumer's fault for reading the National Enquirer. To quote Michael, "To buy it is to feed it." Also, anyone who reads that drivel is contributing to the decline of civilization simply by breathing.

@Grindhouse Murders: Because even people who can only afford a $99 phone deserve some semblance of happiness, too.

@skahammer: Unfortunately A-Rod couldn't say the same.

@Matt Sussman: She would so not approve of the "Gimpy McDeerstand" porn name.

@suffersfoolsgladly: I would add: "P.S. We've already mastered the whole shower-bath-jacuzzi area. Get back to us when you figure out how to get off on an oven."

@Phintastic: We're all raging alcoholics until our team is winning. Then we're just "celebrating."

Can someone who knows a lot more than I about this subject please tell me if there was a functional reason for covering the back in glass? Or was it just to make it pretty?

@mark_l: Pointing out that she graduated from Harvard is also probably not the best move in an article in which the author asserted that the school has, for the most part, moved past legacies, considering her father is Quincy Jones.

@FavreFAIL: Totally agree. I'm one of those women—I'm actually taking a Sociology of Sexuality class right now—and would love to learn more about this evolution. I suspect it has something to do with body glitter.

@FavreFAIL: The whole fucking concept started when people realized the women's liberation movement and the gay liberation movement were so tightly intertwined. Overturning normative values and hegemonies was and is in both group's mutual interest.

I would totally use this to easily navigate through my music while on a crowded subway without having to go into my purse for my phone.