
@Hit Bull Win Steak: I think it was an interesting point. Regardless of whether or not you agreed with the war, the legacies of Afghanistan/Iraq and WWII are clearly different. (And yes, the legacy of A/I still has yet to be fully written.) WWII is unanimously regarded as a "moral war" in which good and evil were

And an entire consumer base completely misses the point of jailbreaking.

Now that we've cleared this up, can we please stop having the "pitchers-can't-be-MVPs-because-that's-what-the-Cy-Young-is-for" debate? Pretty please?

@Jake Israel: Haha thank you! Mine was shaped like Tweety Bird.

If we're talking about cell phones, 212 is actually not the sign of an old-school New Yorkers. 917 was the first area code being used for cell phones and pagers, and is thus a sign of early New York mobile use. 212 only relatively recently expanded to cellular. Not that facts actually matter in this case; if you care

So everybody gets one?

Doesn't this just measure the users of OK Cupid?

I'm still wondering how the hell he expects to find a room in SoHo for $1400. How cute.

@FauxReal: Ralph Steadman approved this comment.

@blogsarefun: Let's use our PSAT reading comprehension skills and infer that "homegrown talents" is in the context of the current Yankee squad. In that case, the statement rings true: no one is more beloved than Jeter/Pettitte/Posada/Mo.

@Kid Canada: My bad. The display on my crappy work screen makes the hyperlink blue look black.

...formerly buxom Florida State Cowgirl...

@Almightywhacko: Widgets are fantastic. One of the many functional benefits of Android, which should matter more than this cosmetic bull crap.

That this is Android's one "enviable" feature to the author perfectly illustrates what's wrong with the typical iPhone user.

@David Hume: Dude, were you at Jones Beach this weekend too?