Dr. John Rocker

The story is obviously fake. The Browns don’t even have 3 NFL starters on offense.

That’s all you got, TMZ? Johnny’s gonna need a little more proof than that.

If anybody is curious, I am also WILLING to sign for 3/$53M with the Cavaliers.

Kebron James

You know who else was a frisky, “small” QB that early in his career was constantly yo-yo’d on and off the bench? Drew Brees.

And Manziel hasn’t done anything to warrant being benched, other than, I guess, not being Josh McCown.

Short version: sponsorship (Manchester United’s seats are sponsored by Audi, Arsenal by Citroen, etc) and comfort

Back in the 80s AC/DC had a lot more respect for grass on the field.

Mild-mannered Horace Herbert worked in accounting... until HR uncovered his dirty little secret:


They won’t be able to repeat as AFC Finalists if they keep this up.

I wish it were trigonometry. Seeing Luck and Fitzpatrick match wits for three hours sure as hell would have been exponentially more interesting than whatever I was watching on ESPN last night.

Careful son, that’s libel. He might just Ndamukong Sue.

[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?

Have none of you dickheads posted the thing for this guy?

‘If you don’t sign up for FanDuel right now, we’ll abuse this dog.’

Joke’s on you because Sarah from Halifax actually won $1 million on DraftKings.

The last time something got burned that badly, the Chancellor was given everything he wanted.

I don’t know, Samer. They need help, but there is a much cheaper option at safety on Washington’s scout team.

I give this story 1.5 thumbs up.