Hi Jabrill.
Hi Jabrill.
“Washington cornerback Josh Normancaught a flag in Week 4's game against the Browns for pretending to shoot a bow and arrow. Since the NFL no longer seems to be okay with bows and arrows—real or imaginary”
Give him a break; that cross he’s holding is only half complete!
Red Sox fan hits grand slam; Red Sox give up grand slam. This has been your universally feel-good baseball highlight.
these kids are gonna have a good future together.
It was so clearly no good.
So a field goal is reviewable unless it goes over an upright, then it’s not? What dipshit made that rule? Football is run by morons.
The glitch isn’t as bad as team names “Fear Boners” and “Revenge of Suck Me.”
And unlike most Idiots On The Field, ESPN actually aired them!
I guess you can say... [Puts on sunglasses]... cooler heads prevailed.
Tough season for the Colts, but I’m sure Jim Irsay is still enjoying himself.
The punches that Williams threw were, coincidentally, the best throws anyone at Auburn had seen all year.
was he by any chance carrying a small pellet gun?
It’s a good thing they got CC a DD to get him to AA.
Did he get a big hit in a game, or did he separate his shoulders swatting away the villagers’ torches and pitchforks?
I’m glad to see that CC is getting himself straightened out. Something about him has always seemed a bit crooked.
That isn’t a shitty bottle. That is just a group of men who haven’t learned how to drink yet.