Claudettes dressingroom

Why are you “terrified?” Worry about something ‘closer to home.’

I’m starting to love all of these celebs. They make a shit ton - Somehow, or live in extreme debt. But they get all of the attention that crazy envious (jealousy and envy are different. Look it up) commenters so desperately desire. Good on you Savvy celebs (?) [people that idiots obsessively follow]. People will HATE

Thanks. For at least 2 decades, celebs and wealthy liberals trotted out their PETA-love ‘creds,’ and everyone said “these Notable People are wonderful and deserve our admiration.” And to be fair, a real awareness about animal cruelty resulted. It wasn’t cool yet to carry on about POC and ‘diversity’ yet. Millenials

I’m hoping you mean WTF -why is Jez running this this story?

According to your own dashboard you weren’t even born in 1980. You are a 'Millenial,' with a very sweet set-up. You love dogs but don't seem to care much for real people, have lots to spend on frivolous eyewear, had excellent school nurses and simply can't understand why poor old people have to work at Target. Your

The optimism is so....... innocent and sweet. Jez is sinking fast, but they get on board anyway.

Don't think they are going to 'get it.' And I would rather watch that hideous Citizen Kane Applause gif.(applauding his awful wife's movie) than that creepy happy sheeple- ain't -it- grand horror. Don't back down.

I have been an overly-optimistic educator longer than you have likely been alive. I have learned (at least) three things 1) Educators think that they know everything. 2) "Education" is an extremely blurry and changeable "concept" as times change. 3) If you are a teacher, better to reconcile yourself with "depression"

So very true. "Why not both," indeed. Why not everything for everyone all the time? Today's young 'liberals' don't understand how politics, the economy, or much else really works. Then they get a break, start making good money and say "hey stop taxing me."

Yes. The anger IS wasted. By “my college classes” I don’t mean peers, I mean students. I gave up pretty much everything for 13 years, studying, T.A.- ing, you name it, to become the best college educator I could. Even at the age of 30 I still only had three pairs of shoes. I never had a single student loan. I worked

Yet. Go looking for trouble, likely you'll get it. Acting like a rude guy doesn't make me feel very civilized - or safe.

One for every 5,500.

The best thing about being ‘grey’ is that folks generally ignore you - MRA Trolls and Co.! That said:

Oh yes. *sigh* I still don’t know who the F this Malik guy is, the way I don’t give a flying F about Stephen Hawking.

Christina. It is “Forrr Me to Poop On.” Triumph , The Insult Comic Dog.

I get the joy (seriously), but c’mon, this is a snatch n grab piece about sharks (and Jia should do us better, but Friday). Let’s not get all Thelma and Louise over this. Bumping Uglies is one thing, bumping a big dude and it getting ugly is REAL sh*t.

Yeeees! These people are being dumb as dirt. Make HARD eye contact, pucker your lips and smile dirty, wink, roll your damn tongue around and do the ‘wank thang’ with your hand. DO NOT TOUCH.

Didn't Snoop recently do something way sexist, or something-something 'came to light' or what the F ever? Not touching this.

Don’t fucking do it. Just don’t. Not worth it. Bigger, whiter, maler and they prob have better insurance.
Not worth 10 hours in the ER (or way worse) 'on principle.'

Haha! I did that for a while too. One was an off-duty cop. Ask me how my spine is doing now......................