Claudettes dressingroom

Dumb, wannabe edgy bullshit.

Running anything is more experience than, I dunno, not running anything, which is what HRC did as first lady.

Where’s the part where he calls black and latino children unredemable super predators and uses terms used for animals to talk about controling them?
There are sociopaths in the world. That’s not contraversial.

Green party. It’s a thing you know. For some reason HRC supporters cant process that not voting for Hillary doesn’t equal a vote for Trump.

No. “Comparable” to an elected figure does not an elected figure make.

Hillary supported the bad parts. Specifically. Vociferously. And used racist “super predator” language to do it.

1) Im a woman

No. Because of hte million and one reasons every intelligent person on the internet has already described. He did not support the crime bill. He supported the VAWA.

He was not a shiftless layabout, he worked constuction, was a carpenter,worked in a psychiatric hospital, started his own educational film business, was a freelance writer, and ran sn independent political party in his spare time. Most Americans don't work the same job for decades and most Americans don't wear a suit

Some of us are not impressed by her “accomplishments, and we are not impressed with her long history of shady real estate deals, Clinton Foundation misdeeds, pandering to Wall Street, bungling of foreign affairs like Benghazi, lying to the families of the Benghazi victims, and not understanding how secure e-mail is

I disagree. And as I said above, it doesnt matter. Taking away the 8 years she was first lady AND the eight years Bernie was Mayor he still has more years of experience. Period.

yeah, she’s not from a monied family AT ALL.

But do accomplishments count when you got them because of your last name? I think not. Otherwise Trump can call himself a self-made man. If Hillary were born poor to an immigrant family and had never met Bill, she wouldn't be where she is now. She's always had an advantage.

I don’t know why, but I am terrified of Cruz as the Republican candidate. If Trump were it would all be laughable—he’s so obviously a fascist I can never imagine him becoming president. Cruz is much scarier because part of me worries he may have an actual chance.

Thought the title said “Self Loving” and that this was about masturbating monkeys.

I totally get the anti PETA view. PETA does a lot of outrageous stuff. But despite times when they’ve lost their way they have done a SHIT TON of good for the rights and welfare of animals. If there’s one thing they know how to do well it to create pressure and be annoying. That may not sound like a strong point but

Misread headline as “Self-Loving Monkey”, expected a very different article.

As the only living left-leaning progressive in my family, I have ample practice in compartmentalizing my love for people, and separating their political leanings from “them”, (although my brother who expressed high regards for Ted Nugent can suck it). I just pray I never find out what Dolly Parton’s politics are.

Rob should date Amber Rose instead.