
Your dad would be proud at what an insufferable fuck you’ve grown into. Good to know you’re the only person who’s ever suffered loss in the world.

How dare people raise concerns about permanent brain damage from a sport?! You smart assholes with your lack of CTE don’t know anything about being a manly man! About uhh....uhhh.....what was I talking about? Oh yes, we need to make buffalo wings spicier people! It’s the pussification of America!

“There ain’t no sin and there ain’t no virtue. There’s just stuff people do.”

WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR: Just so we’re clear Mr. President, you’ve appointed a man who’s committed his life to fighting the EPA to head the EPA, a man who wanted to abolish the Department of Energy to be Energy Secretary, a fast food CEO who wants to abolish organized labor as Labor Secretary, I mean, what’s next? Is your

I think Curt Schilling should be in the hall, too—the hall of great big buttheads!

So the GOP gets to run elections in even numbered years, and the Dems in odd-numbered. This is perfectly fair. As I used to tell my little brother: You get to use the sled on the way UP the hill, I get it on the way DOWN the hill.

A mere $10 difference in these costs will turn into $100 over the course of a decade, and $1,000 in a century. Over the course of a millennium you’ll be able to pocket $10,000.

This statement is why the modern liberal movement is just as intellectually bankrupt as the conservatives. “People who disagree with me obviously are of low intelligence and shouldn’t count.”

I voted early and I’m convinced there needs to be some sort of test you take before you’re allowed to vote. Just basic test to make sure you’re not a complete maniac. I don’t know how many people had to be told the booth was not touch screen and how many others couldn’t work the little wheel. There was also a 60ish

They eventually caught up to him.

So Ben Roethlisberger didn’t explicitly say no, and Donald Trump took that as a yes? Interesting…

Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.

Or, 2016 America: Where a black man rose up to become President and is now retiring and a woman may well replace him.

Very good.

I saw them open for Dillinger Escape Plan many years ago. A fun band, they were.

It is Buffalo, so yeah.

Is this really a surprise? They are both their own biggest cheerleader, talk about how they’re going to do great things without really having a grasp on how to accomplish said things, and owe pretty much all of their success to their father. I bet Trump has a treasure trove of foot fetish videos too.

I make sure to hate-read his columns whenever possible. You can just sit there and tick off the points he makes that are non-sensical at best, and totally wrong at worst.

He’s legit the worst dude on the planet & just plays right into all the old timers of the city. Like I really never say I hate anyone but I fucking HATE Jerry Sullivan.