
Jesus. Save your money, dude. There are many starving puppies out there.

Whereabouts do you live? I can see sentiments like these being scarce in Elmwood or Allentown (not to over-generalize), but you can bet that these feelings are widely shared in the majority of the suburbs and outlying areas. I work in Colden and the hate is strong.

I get the idea that Trump is also probably pissed because if his running mate “won” this debate, then it makes the narrative that the debates are run by people in the tank for Hillary less plausible. Essentially, his built-in excuse for losing the debates and, ultimately, the election, is gone if Pence can come out on

Is riling up golf fans anything like audibly farting during a state dinner with the English Royal Family? Do I even need to ask this? Fuck all golf.

Wait. Is this story heartwarming or heartbreaking? On the one hand, it seems very sweet of the police to cook for these two and offer them a bit of company. On the other, I cannot get my own Italian grandparents (Nonno and Nonna) out of my head. They are alone in their house and I have never cooked THEM pasta! Nonna

Wide Right...it was quite a big deal in Buffalo. Now, what is this “world” you speak of?

DUAN should be Tragically Hip every night until that fucking brain cancer takes Gord.

The Andy Dick episode is one of the best in the series (anything with Robert Picardo is great, really), and I think the better line there is shortly before the “Romulans!” exclamation. It was when they were wondering why they were taking fire from the Starfleet ships and Andy Dick muses, “They must think there are

Ha! That’s Tudor Lounge! Same place I saw him. He must really like that place. Incidentally, I also once performed End of the Road on that same stage. BIIM is always a crowd pleaser.

God, I used to love ETID. Then I just stopped caring for that whole genre of music, I think around the time this album came out (not related). I’ll always have a soft spot for these guys, though. Keith Buckley, the lead singer, once showed up at karaoke bar in downtown Buffalo I used to frequent. He was pretty buzzed,

Godammit. I graduated high school with the guy who owns that bus. He is sad and I am sad for him.

Yeah, but you’d think that the two would see each other as rivals. Like those fat seals that fight to become beachmaster.

Knowing Watt’s usual tricks, I’m surprised he didn’t take a picture of himself in his truck at the end of his driveway first, and then hop in a helicopter to get to the facilities before sending out the pic of him at the entrance, like he just drove there.

Golf is a terrible hobby for terrible people. If that makes me a snot nose, then get me a tissue.

Also, the severely underrated Italian aglio e olio pasta dish benefits greatly from raw anchovies. In my family, this dish is always made at Christmas. Problem was that there were two sides to the family that made it and two different ways of doing so because their ancestors came from different parts of Italy. The, in

Bryce Harper: <nods solemnly and tips his cap off in the distance>

Another great job, Chris! Excellent recipe. My Neapolitan grandmother has a recipe like this, but also has a special one she created just for my grandfather, but we all love them. Same process as yours, but all ground pork balls with WHOLE toasted pignoli and white raisins for an offsetting touch of sweetness. These

I don’t understand why guys like this always think kids in their sport today wouldn’t be able to “hack it” in their time. Take Goose, here. He lists all the ways in which baseball was supposedly tougher in his day, the implication being that today’s players are soft, coddled, and protected by rules. But I look at it

Great job, Chris! Good to have Foodspin back.

I missed the part where it listed the ages of all the people who clapped. Because I’m not picturing millennials. I’m picturing uncles of millennials. But that’s just an assumption. I don’t actually know. And neither do you.