
I always mix them into meatballs - it really enhances the flavor.

Along these delicious pasta lines, puttanesca greatly improves with the inclusion of some tasty anchovies.

Mmmmmm...fried anchovies in grease...

If you put them on a pizza, put them on raw! To be clear, wait until your pizza is finished cooking and then put the anchovies, straight from the tin or jar (but really, jar) directly onto your slice. Anchovies, particularly low-quality ones, tend to get a bit bitter or acrid when half-cooked onto something. They’re

Act like you been there before kid. Jesus!

I now have a Pavlovian response to bat flips where I see it and immediately think of Goose Gossage and his awful take on them.

Couldn’t agree more. Golf uses no athleticism because they don’t react to anything. It’s just repetitive motion. There’s nothing to adjust in a microsecond which is the core skill of what makes someone athletic. And while it’s true that I suck at golf and can’t play it (an argument golfers always use when someone

Disagree. Any golf event is worse. If only for the fact that boring, old, white men get so misty-eyed talking about a fucking snoozefest like The Masters.

You might be able to get away with skipping the pig on this one.

That is the interesting thing about Upstate NY regional food, is that it is so variable. There are so many items, but they really are regional for the most part. I’m from an area where beef on weck, salt potatoes, grape pie and chicken BBQ/cornell chicken are some of the main regional flavors. White hots are very

Beef on weck is great. While passing through Buffalo, I discovered Charlie the Butcher's Kitchen and [indecipherable eating noises].

Grape pie? That’s intriguing.

Shit man, that swiss chard/sausage sounds great

Can we continue this tour through the Forgotten Lands of New York State? So much good, weird regional weirdness to be found. Beef on Weck! Chicken Speides! Grape Pie! Salt Potatoes! White Hots! Garbage Plates! Riggies!

Hoffman's Hotdogs and coneys. End of story

I just got fired for having my dick out against my work pc monitor. I really need to read the articles more thorough.

Don’t you mean “bargain?” As in, “to bargain?” Or “haggle?” Doesn’t barter imply the absence of money? Like, how you would barter a used potato masher for a ‘99 Taurus? Or offer to drive the ‘99 Taurus off a cliff in order to GET the ‘99 Taurus?

Speaking as a Buffalonian, I can say with great confidence that the Bills wouldn’t be out of place in Drew’s top 5, if not for their limited national exposure. The 90's teams (yes, the ones that lost four Super Bowls) are a CONSTANT source of sports radio talk, fan talk, ads, causes, benefits, remembrances, memorials,

Dear Mr. Watt,