Christopher Sadlowski

They can start their own little oxygen deprived neo fascist bromance utopia Mars colony! Good riddance, I say. Let them enjoy the grey sunset and the carbon dioxide atmosphere...

We get it, you're pissed about your divorce. Therapy is the appropriate place to work on it though.

Oh, people can be, and are, racist towards white people. The difference is that racism doesn’t actually have a material affect on them. White people will still get credit, loans, capital, property, wealth, they won’t be followed in stores, people won’t think their mere presence is suspect or dangerous, they won't be

Jessie Gender has a ton of great work on her channel. I’ve been watching her for a long time now. Check out her Star Trek videos too. Even I, a person who has never watched or cared about that show, watched all of Jessie's videos and learned so much. They didn't make me a Trekkie, but I now understand why so many

National Review!? Get outta here. No, really, leave.

Well, yeah, because he’s dead. That’s kinda how the whole “death of the author” concept works. Sometimes it can happen while the original creator is alive, but usually once they’re not alive anymore can their work be separated much more cleanly from the messy human life they lived. We're people, every single one of

They act this way because they want to feel progressive but without putting their comfort or entertainment on the sacrificial altar. So they feel called out and they don’t like that feeling. What they don’t understand is that feeling is but a fraction of what the put down minority feels. They showed their whole ass

Here’s a thing to keep in mind. JKR hasn’t said a few sussy wussy things that, if viewed a certain way, might be seen as transphobic. She has openly, publicly, and proudly turned this into her entire personality and private mission. This is one of the rare times where it really is simple. You either wind up supporting

I love seeing all these “allies” tell us queer people how to think, how to act, what politics are acceptable, what discourse we should be having, the “correct” way to fix a rigged-from-the-start government and economy, and on and on and on. And then turn around and wonder why we’re so “uppity” and “constantly angry”

Tell me again why CEOs make all the money when they couldn’t even intuitively know that pandemic spending wasn’t going to last? And they somehow saw that people having money and spending on their stupid shit was a bad thing and that pay should continue to remain low? These are the people who "deserve" everything in

That’s the problem: you’re a liberal. The rest of us actually advocating for the well-being of humanity are leftists. Being a liberal is just being a conservative that’s a little less grossed out by LGBTQ+ people existing. You’re still pro-corporation, pro-capitalist, anti-worker, and everything else the fascist right

Company culture” is I’m upper management and I sit on ass all day and you put money in my pocket. And you get a few pennies to shut you up long enough that I can extract your soul and dump you for someone younger, cheaper, and with more life force I can violently rip out. And don’t you dare get uppity because I’ll

Um, I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume you probably subscribe to the “games are serious art” club. I know that’s the camp I’m firmly in. So, which is it? “It’s just a game and doesn’t mean anything,” or, “This is a medium with legitimate artistic intent and therefore its design must, by nature, have deeper

I hate my goddamn species. We really are trash.

No one assumed this was getting a sequel...? OP even qualified and clarified that statement with the word “if”. And “if” is doing literally all the work in that sentence.

Stock buybacks need to be made illegal again...

Of course they'll be disappointed in sales. They could sell a hundred quadrillion copies of a game and say it wasn't enough.

Stranger Things has a literal portal...

This game is being developed in Russia? Anyway, that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme, I avoid doing business with entities that might potentially send that cash to Russia. I feel for the average citizen who may not support the regime and is just as stuck under the whims of every rich and powerful world

I’m not good with these things, so I need a little help. What car did you use for the example of an actual luxury interior? Mercedes? Cadillac? Whatever it is it’s beautiful. I agree; Tesla interiors don’t look upscale minimalism to me, rather they look cheap and stingy. I always assumed they went that route to keep