Christopher Sadlowski

Love the enthusiasm and direction, for sure. We do need to work on the lyricism and fitting the words to the beat. It's fine; music is a process.

Both? I choose both.

Wait...I thought Tesla was a robotics company? Man, I can't keep up with all this.

It’s like an alien is trying on its first human skin suit and can't figure out how to use it convincingly...

Is there corruption though, or is this just more good old fashioned backhanded union busting? I’m going to wait to see what information comes out about all this. It’s sad we’re in an ecosystem where you can’t believe people are acting in good faith. Well, at least I don’t believe the things people say until I’m show

What’s the QR code for?

I hate this man. I hate this man so much.

That’s not “hardcore” enough...

He says a lot of things...if he thinks it’ll make you give him money...

That’s cruel!

Which, again, brings it right back to the lead pipes being the problem. There is ZERO reason why there is a single lead service pipe in use anywhere in the United States, the richest country on the planet. At this point we should just print the money and spend it immediately on removing and replacing any lead

That was my concern; where is this lead going to wind up? Yes, the lead plug isn’t in a location that the average user will come into contact with, but that lead will go somewhere when the cup breaks and it’s disposed of. Well, with how these things go, disposed of because the user has a million of them and this

They have no use. Most of them don’t even know how to make the products their company manufactures or produces, nor how those products function or should function. Elon Musk is the perfect example; most executives are silly rich kids and they all sit on the boards of each other’s companies in this weird incestuous

Hm, I’m not so sure it actually is “complete”. I watched a few videos of people playing it and it looks...uninspiring. And pretty ugly in most places; some of the animations are blindingly bad.

I’m a very casual car person. I’m not sure what I’m looking at. Is that a gold plated Delorian?

“The Almighty Market shall provide as long as you keep believing in the holy Invisible Hand!”

Arrested development? I could go on a tirade about end stage capitalism commodifying, literally ripping out, packaging, and shipping, every aspect of human life back to us, but this is Kotaku so I don’t have to. I'd just be preaching to the choir.

“Fan” is short for “fanatic”. So if I described someone as a “religious fanatic” you’d have a very specific thing in mind. An argument can be made that the sharp edge of “fanatic” has been filed down over time via the foreshortening of using “fan” instead, but I’m not fully convinced that evolution is complete. “Fans”

Because too much of the board is made up of Elon’s friends and family. Kinda like Elon was set it up that way on purpose to avoid him getting the boot...

I’m lucky enough to live on a street with lots of young couples who have a few kids each. They all seem to hang out together too, which is nice to see. I remember when some of these kids were born and now they’re all caught up in middle school drama that I sometimes catch bits of when I sit in my porch. Who likes who