Christopher Sadlowski

They only throw all your stuff on the street if you’re poor. You get extra eviction points if your tenant is poor AND a person of color. If you’re seen as rich and white then landlords have no problem letting it work its way through court. Because white people are seen as deserving of a legal process; POC are seen as

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I get the feeling that all that cash the Saudi royal family shoveled into this furnace is also having a certain effect on the political realignment happening on Twitter.

Well, he didn’t do his due diligence for one. A contract was written up and he signed it. Period. So buried somewhere in there I bet the option to back out, on either side, came with some pretty significant asterisks. Something tells me that once the shareholders voted to sell that was it, the deal was struck and

Did it work though? After all this mess today I’m never going to visit Twitter again. If a tweet is embedded in an article I’ll read it, sure. But I will never...NEVER...click through again to read replies and see what opinions people have on said tweet. Fuck Elon Musk and everything about him. He won’t get the

I know it’s not the same, but I like Warframe’s system. Want the new robot guy we just released right now? Buy it. Want it without spending money? Run this mission for a chance to roll one of the parts you need. Collect them all, build them, then wait 3 days while the robot builds itself. There is a push and pull

I would like Destiny more if it wasn’t so damn expensive! Holy crap, the amount of money you’re expected to drop to get the “full experience” is utterly insane. I’ll keep Warframe as my free to play that I give most of my time to. At least there I don’t have to pay a billion dollars just to get the expansion content.

Yeah, I got Mad Max and was like, “Is it just me? I really don’t get why everyone was freaking out about this game like it was the second coming.” It was...a game, that’s for sure. It wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t exactly this groundbreaking experience that completely changed how I view video games as a medium. It was

Oof, maybe it's a good thing I forgot to claim this game when it came around on PS+.

I guess “socialist”, “communist”, and “Marxist” weren’t getting traction the way they wanted? Well, maybe just as well. Don’t anyone tell FOX News the 80s are like, what, 40 years past at this point.

Um, did we read the same article...?

I’m so proud of you kids standing up the way you have been recently! Don’t give up, and don’t give the capitalists an inch; they’ve already taken so much, they don’t deserve a single thing more right now. They’re fine. We, however, are very much NOT fine. Continue to fight for yourself and your fellow comrades.

I’m pretty sure Starfield will be a lot more polished...” Hope springs eternal, I guess. I’d bet 20 bucks Starfield is going to be at least just as buggy as any other Bethesda game, if not more so.

I hear you. Personally, I keep forgetting Starfield even exists if not for the odd news articles popping up here and there. I think I’m over Bethesda more or less. I never even bothered finishing DA: I or Fallout 4. It’s just the same stuff with a new coat of paint, and it’s all feels old and boring now. There was a

A mistake how? Because it's from a company Elon Musk owns, or you're not satisfied with the quality of the car? Or both?

Didn’t he also buy his way into Paypal? And the only reason he was even allowed to buy in was because he was working on X.com, which has a sort of parallel function to what PayPal was trying to do? I also remember reading that his code for X was terrible because he really didn’t know what he was doing. The idea was to

I’m starting to think less in terms of deterrents anymore. These companies will never stop, no matter what. So, if that’s the case, they should have to pay enough to make society whole and pay up for the damage they cause to the welfare of the public. I’m thinking after the third violation their assets should be

Well, they'll never get another cent out of me even if they do ultimately comply. At least it'll make shopping a bit easier: "This game looks fun. Oh, wait, published by Activision Blizzard. Nah, fuck that. I'll find something different."

Um, maybe it’s time for medical professionals to start breaking these laws? What are they going to do, throw every doctor in jail? They’ll learn right quick that’s going to be a really, really bad idea. Oh, wait, never mind. Conservatives don’t learn! So this idea won’t work too well. Hm...just go underground and do

Oh, I’d be in jail if someone so much as thought about hurting my cat...

Oof. This was hard to read. Full transparency, I didn’t watch the videos; I just can’t do it today, kids. But girl, you in danger! You need a divorce, like, yesterday. Run! Run from him and find a safe place to live where he doesn’t know where you are. This abuse shit scares me, and far too often someone winds up