Christopher Sadlowski

Jesus Christ, that GPU is HUGE! I thought the headlines I've been seeing were just being hyperbolic about it being as big as a Series S. Does it even fit in a standard midsized ATX or do you have to have a full-sized case? What the actual fuck is going on at nVidia? 

When everyone leaves food service because they’re treated like shit then entitled assholes can make their own fuckin’ food, and when they want to complain to management about how much it sucks they’ll be screaming at themselves.

Yeah, if I was inclined to conspiracy theories I’d say this comment thread looks astroturfed to hell and back twice over...

Oh, this is obviously for another pump and dump of his Tesla stock.

My absolutely ancient RX 460 (I think that’s what I have, been a long time since I actually checked) is OK for my 1080p monitor. However, the 4Gb of RAM in it sometimes struggles and I have to fiddle with a few settings to get a stable frame rate. I’m playing through my backlog so it’s not much of an issue for the old

Same. I’ll probably get a better monitor when the current one I have drops dead, and only because by that time they won’t make 1080p anymore. I’m more inclined to upgrade my TV when I ever get around to getting a PS5, and only because I’ll be shifting the current 1080p TV to my currently TV-less bedroom. The PS3 and

::looks at his 23" 1080p refurbished HP monitor::

Okay, first, to the people complaining about “this isn’t how it was when I was a kid playing this game”, all I have to say is, “OK Boomer”. Like, do you actually hear yourself? Second, I would bet my life that the same people who are complaining about player position not being on the mini map are also the same people

Yeah, I remember playing GTA IV (is that the one with Niko?) and I would almost exclusively look at the mini map while driving. San Andreas I actually started to get used to the landmarks to navigate the game and drifted away from the mini map over time. But in the later two games the world was just so damn big I

That’s why the OP offered an escape hatch. Either support the game and/or release the net code and let someone else do it. How is that crippling anyone?

I have zero hope for DA4. I never even finished Inquisition. It was too damn long and I lost the thread of what the hell it was even on about after a while. Oh well. I’m not a fan of anything so it’s easy for me to walk away from a franchise or media if it falls off a cliff for me. I don’t need to relive so sort of

Yeah, but that requires a little bit of up front money and businesses don’t want to front the cash. It’s better to just pour millions into the garbage disposable. Isn’t living in End Stage Capitalism fun? Instead of reaping the rewards of our labor and lots of things being automated which should give everyone a pretty

Is it more conditioning or simply being forced? Apple, for example, does a damn good job of effectively forcing their customers to accept everything they do; if they don’t they basically tell them to go buy an Android and make implicit remarks that they’ll have their identity stolen because of how “unsafe” the

Which I don’t get, because the new Tomb Raiders wound up being some of my absolute favorite games of recent memory. It’s hard for me to sit down and finish a game due to chemotherapy absolutely wrecking havoc on my memory and recall abilities. So for me to sit down and be engrossed enough to keep going AND remember

That’s weird. I vacationed in Baltimore once and I thought the city and its people were quite lovely. My white ass even felt safe walking around at night, and I wasn’t staying in the posh white area of the city either.

Yes! I noticed it last night when going to play Warframe. I tried Apex Legends when it first came out but I wasn’t good at it and didn’t want to be a disappointment to teammates. When I saw the box for it in my recently played I thought, “Didn’t I delete this game?” I checked and was correct, it’s not in either drive.

I LOVED Parasite Eve. They could have done so much with that franchise. I think Japan got a sequel and that was it. They just tossed it aside like month old milk. Such a shame.

Yeah, something here smacks me as, "We've had a big problem in the not too distant past and have to get ahead of it before it turns into a huge thing." 

Yeah, except your house isn’t a computer connected to the internet using a private platform. I bet you’re one of these “it’s my private property I can do literally whatever I want” types” when that, too, has never been true. Every day people are told what they can and can’t do on their own property, AND the property

Uhhh...comparing a video game being monitored to ensure most users are in compliance with a user agreement to “living in a police state” ain’t the look you think it is chief.