Christopher Sadlowski

Suing in Russian courts? LOL! Good luck getting anything there. They’re about as whack as American courts at handing out proper justice!

What bothers me with EA yanking the plug is all the crunch and abuse to even get Anthem out the door seems to have been for nothing. They ran people into the mantle of Earth they bore down on them so hard and for what? I’m glad I stopped buying EA games years ago, and will continue to not buy from them until I’m cold

Wow, this reminds me of this year’s TennoCon. I was watching the sound design panel and the chat was just full of people saying it was “boring” and that “literally no one cares about this”. I thought to myself, “You know, actually a lot of us DO care about the artistry and talent that’s needed to pull off the medium

I played Destiny, barely, when my husband brought it home one day. It was...I didn’t really feel one way or another about it really. I certainly didn’t sick around long enough with the game to take a look at the community. Then I tired Destiny 2 when it went sort of free to play and I felt basically the same as I did

You and me both. It's nothing but one fresh hell after another anymore.

Has anyone figured out yet how to phase transition into one of the better parallel timelines yet? Because the one we’re all in right now sucks and I want to leave.

If I look this up am I going to fall down the rabbit hole for several hours, getting progressively more angry the farther I fall? Ehhh...might be worth it.

As someone living with cancer, yeah, fuck cancer.

Most of the time making graphical updates isn't as easy as just making new art and pointing the game to ignore the old stuff. In almost all circumstances the source code is required, and for many old games the source code is just...gone. Discs go missing in the shuffle of life, hard drives failed with no backups made

Honestly, if the price is right for you, I highly recommend this game. It’s weird with fantastic combat and a pretty neat party system. Plus, getting to make your own henchman and someone seeing them online going, “Oh, that character would be perfect to fill out my party!” hasn’t been done since really.

I got it free from Playstation Plus, like, a billion years ago. I never heard of it and thought, “Eh, what the hell. I’ll give this a shot.” Played it basically every day until I finished the main story, but got distracted by other games and never went back for Dark Arisen. I loved this game! It’s very difficult

Watching this capitalism speedrun is fun! It’s just a shame we’d rather watch the collapse rather, than, you know, do something about the malignant cancer spreading everywhere...

“Spoon fed”? What’s with the tone? Humans have told linear stories and open-ended stories since forever. One is not “better” than the other. A good writer knows how to take advantage of their chosen medium and to blunt the weaknesses. A bad writer just sprays words on a page and how no one notices they have no idea

I think I’m physically incapable of self inserting. I play RPGs the same way you do; my character is distinct from me, is not in any way an extension of myself, I’m more the omniscient being basically controlling a puppet. Which has some interesting existential implications about free will if our reality is just a

I will never buy a product from Blizzard or put money in their bank account ever again. Diablo 4 could be the most perfect game in the history of humankind, I'm not buying it. This has always been a disgusting company, and if I could go back in time and never buy their games in the first place I would. That I funded

Can we eat the rich capitalists yet?

Bitcoin ain't looking to good there either, chief.

Are Funko Pops even all that popular? I mean, yeah, I can see a small niche of people buying a handful a few times before saying, “I got enough of these stupid things sitting around doing nothing...” To have basically an entire store dedicated to them though...?

Why is that parking lot so gigantic? We're they expecting this, THIS, to be some swinging hot spot in town?

This comment is unsolicited advice, so please don't come at me people. I'll still get a PS5, but I always wait for the hardware refresh and the price drop before I jump in. Always. Whenever I build a new PC I always buy "last year's tech" because it's cheaper, and with how infrequently I upgrade my computer it's