
Just nitpicking, but I think since you are also advocating for a society that moves beyond gender stereotyping, I don’t think words like “tomboy” really reinforce that point you try to make. I definitely agree with what you say though.

I’ve dated short, tall, thin and husky. At the end of the day its how they work horizontal.

Have some damn standards.

I don’t know that “thinking long and hard” would have prevented this situation. Kanye has a medical condition he can’t help.

I’ve got zero issue with marijuana use, but how it impacts someone who is suffering from an existing serious mental condition can be quite different to how it impacts someone without one.

Yup. We in the military have an obligation to refuse orders that are “immoral, illegal, or unethical.” If Adm. Zukunft believes that the orders he is being given to discriminate against his service members violate that criteria then he can absolutely push back on them.

Even the military can legally defy orders they believe to be illegal and take the matter to court, at the very least tying it up in litigation until post- Trump.

I didn’t come in here and scream that AFRICANS DID IT FIRST...

He probably just settled for fucking one of his folds.

Wait, I thought the issue was that they didn’t salt their pasta water.

Dunno man. I make my own spaghetti sauce from scratch and grow my own basil and I still find Olive Garden to be edible, if not like, amazing.

An Olive Garden spokesperson told Gizmodo that allofgarden.com “was flagged through automated means and the letter was generated.”

maybe you aren’t aware of this, but you’re on a very public web site with a high level of visibility. A web site that spends half of its day shaming the fuck out of women for how they look - and praising the fuck out of a male writer (Bobby Finger) who does it AT LEAST once a day. This very web site and its commenters

I think you have one of the few cases in which it’s a good idea to bang an ex - the relationship was a brief one, neither person is hung up on the other, neither person resents the other, and the sex is good. If any one of those four things is missing, I think I’d change my vote to “Nope!” though.

Yeah, I’ve got a couple of guys that I casually saw that I wouldn’t mind hooking up with again. One in particular was mega-hot and phenomenal in bed. If the opportunity arose, I totally would. In a heartbeat.

Truly one of the most ignorant things I’ve ever read on here.

Are you kidding? Even babies masturbate. There’s nothing wrong with that or indicative of abuse.

that’s simply wrong. Little kids can hump things because it feels good.

I mean, it’s mostly internal

Where is the outrage? I simply see an article that discusses the, unnecessary, adjective hashtags used in this Samsung product. Samsung has also said they will remove the hashtags as they were stupid and unnecessary, in the first place. You, know just because consumers complain doesn’t mean they are “outraged.” You