
I’ve lived in Chicago for a decade now & everyone I know eats deep dish - just not that often. It’s a special occasion, not a regular thing you eat as often as thin crust pizza.

Even on Jezebel women can’t stop themselves from tearing each other down b/c of appearances. Lovely. Every time a woman’s rocked a short cut people make fun of her & soccer moms & it’s a thing to behold on a feminist website.

It looks like her natural hair color, why is everyone so offended by it?

Is it distorted thinking if you have no friends or family you’re in touch with?

Casting aspersions doesn’t help, though.

Dude Kim also sells waist trainers & thot wear lol...

Ordinary people still benefit from having a family who actually cares around.

What do you think causes the vitriol? Cuz I’ve noticed it too from men AND women and I find it slightly baffling...

Why? That’s a horrible trade-off.

Ms. Jenkins was tone-deaf & beyond rude on a regular basis in spite of her many brilliant observations.

Do you seriously think most men who visit strip clubs announce upon arriving they’re taken to the dancers?


I ugly-sobbed the last half hour. I’m guessing the story didn’t grab you for whatever reason, which is fine. It’s a pretty slow flick so I can get being bored out of your skull if the story isn’t doing it for you!

I worked as an escort for 5 years & had 90% good experiences. Also slept around in my 20s, I’ve been with hundreds of dudes at this point.

I worked as an escort & got around irl before meeting my partner - my number’s in the hundreds. Most men VERY much want the woman to enjoy themselves, most are downright obsessed w/it. Also the guys who like gentle sex actually outweigh the ones who want to be rough.

I’ve given no fucks about the Oscars since Crash won Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain.

I don’t read having expensive useless things as a sign of class, though. I read it as a sign of stupidity. Unless you’re Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, spending money on bullshit to look cool makes you a moron.

As a white chick, I can. xD

Agreed. Seeing Get Out a month after it was came out was the most audience participation & camaraderie I’ve seen since opening weekend of Spiderman 3 (for different reasons obviously, that movie was so terrible people lost all politeness & started loudly commenting on the film, I’ve never laughed so hard in my life).

This. A lot of it’s just whom you relate to personally, right? I’m more of a Solange type of gal but that doesn’t mean Beyonce isn’t killing it.