
Where are the monsters that eat deep dish with their hands?  Not even Red Line riders do that shit

More like, wearing my Billy Joel t-shirt while I chill by my pool. But keep right on stereotyping people if it helps with your inner rage. That’s always super successful. #sarcasm.

The problem is, it being an open secret is part of what keeps people from talking. Everyone knows and no one cares, so who do you talk to? Dave Chappelle (who has said things I consider wrong) said something I consider right about the path out of apartheid in South Africa: “People in a corrupt system aren’t

So backwards! and exactly how I read it, I just can’t wrap my head around the fact he legitimately thought that this was a good excuse... followed up by the ever charming “so we’re going to censor the show?” implying he’s cool with still doing the same bullshit and it would be ‘okay’ because he’s not talking about the

My favorite Chris Pine is Prince Charming in Into The Woods, because he doesn’t exactly play Prince Charming...he plays Chris Pine playing Captain Kirk playing Prince Charming and it is hilarious and delightful.

No way. The correct order is:

Pine’s the best actor of all the Chrises and it’s not particularly close.

Sometimes it’s the person streaming. Sometimes it’s the game itself. There are some games I don’t care enough about to play, but I’ll chill in a room and watch someone else play. Diablo 2 for example, I’m not a fan of the game. I think the RPG systems in place are so bad, they were already archaic back when the game

Hence why I voted for, and donated every dollar I could muster multiple times, phone banked for, and rallied for Bernie in the primary. He isn’t evil to me at all. Like Ted Kennedy, I acknowledge that he isn’t a perfect person, but I’ll fight anyone who says that he wasn’t brave and principled and doesn’t stand for

I am done with the Democratic party for this reason. They’ve been demanding our loyalty for decades while giving us absolutely fuck all in return. I actually smiled (albeit bitterly) on Nov 8 over the mass outpouring of liberal tears. I saw many Black folks crying in 2008; didn’t see too many in 2016. We’d been

Good for you. I don’t. Shrug all you want, but for a good fifteen-years (until I met my husband) I was a happy, happy whore who did just about anyone willing to tango with me (whether it was in my apartment, a bathhouse, or a booth in a video store). Do I remember all their names, faces, etc.? Nope. Maybe because I’m

“If trying to get laid and being told when to stop and then respectfully stopping is “sexual assault” then I think we better build bigger prisons.”

Definitely all these comments have to be from men, right? Dressing comfortably is not selfish, it’s just...dressing comfortably. Style is not often a question of ethics (unless it’s how your clothes were made). I’ve never even considered her wardrobe as “frumpy”, they’re pretty standard clothes for someone who values

Dressing comfortably is selfish? I mean, there’s no indication that Eleanor lacks basic hygiene (she showers and she wears clean clothes, even though she sneaks her laundry into Chidi’s load), but nobody’s under any obligation to make themselves uncomfortable in order to meet anybody else’s standards of fashion. In


Because nothing is more fun than trying to dance in a nightclub with a fucking gun on your hip.

This is a situation where I’m fully in favor of interpreting the Constitution and Bill of Rights in a strict “What were the Founders intentions” manner. Every private citizen is entitled to own the kind of firearm that would’ve been available in the 1790s...your choice of flintlock, muzzle loader or blunderbuss.

Well, apparently we can have guns in this country, or men in this country. But we cannot have both guns and men in this country.

All the women in my family are fantastically busty, except for me. I was pissed about missing the boob gene for the longest time, but now that I’m an adult I love reminding my sisters that, oh, no, I don’t really wear bras. I don’t need them. :)


You are most definitely wrong. Literally all of my clients go down on me. I can’t remember the last time one didn’t.

Non-clients do as well.