
It is also weird to me that you have to explain “gaps” in your resume. I’ve been a military wife, living in places where there was no work; had children; done freelance; worked temp; had my own company. Why is it a virtue to go to work day after day for some employer? Just so they can call and verify . . . something?

Chewing gum is low class? Okay

Two losers with dead careers teaming up for one last chance at attention.

or he just wants to show his respect for the hugely talented wife of the man he considered his big brother, but it comes out kanye-style and people can’t handle it.

“Being a political statement” alone is part of the problem.. nail hit on head. Taking care of your family is what WE’RE SUPPOSED TO DO. Making the lifestyle adjustments necessary to take the pay hit and take a year off work SHOULD show that you have clear and proper life priorities.

I do. Now give me a cracker.

We took our three year old a few months ago, and I gotta say...I see how people fall down the rabbit hole.

You are not supposed to eat your spirit animal.

You lost the election, and will continue to lose elections, until you dump your ego, stop paying lip service to your ‘central message’ of inclusiveness, and actually be inclusive.

Oh, now it’s MY President Trump?

Perhaps that the rub. The Democrats have never had an answer for the working class that they sold out.

It’s true. When DWS was fired for clearly using the power of the DNC for Clinton instead of all the presidential candidates and the down ticket candidates, Clinton immediately hired her. That was stupid. After Bush got in all sorts of trouble for having private servers, Clinton did the same thing. That was stupid.

I’m not a Democrat so I don’t give a fuck what you do. In fact, please keep doing what you’re doing, it worked very well for my side this election. Self-righteous idiot.

I agree. Clinton wasn’t a bad candidate, but she certainly wasn’t populist and her campaign team was comprised entirely of idiots.

No it’s those darn Bernie bros fault!

Stop blaming the voter. That is a losers perspective. And we will keep losing with this mindset. Blame democrats for nominating a hugely unpopular candidate. Nominate popular candidates. Duh


Hillary Clinton was a shitty candidate who ran a victory lap instead of a campaign. There can be no fixing the Democratic Party until we are all on the same page about why she lost.

I get that feeling too. They just don’t understand that most people don’t care if Trump is racist or sexist and that the fact that they don’t doesn’t actually make them bad people.