
Some people run away from partners with dysfunctional families for fear that they shall repeat the patterns learned therein.

The people who have that as a dealbreaker tend to come from semi-idyllic families and sheltered backgrounds and genuinely don’t understand those of us who come from shit families. Some have enough empathy to deal, but some, well, we’re better off not dating them anyway.

And in the wake of a tragedy, people often sue to try to reduce the chances of it happening to someone else.

I can attest to that. All the dedicated comic book stores I’ve seen in my area seem to get the majority of their repeat sales from Magic: the Gathering players (and occasionally other TCGs), rather than hardcore comic nerds. I should know— that’s the only reason I’ve ever been in them myself, and there are always

Not as bad as before. Before comics started embracing a wider clientele (manga, casuals, women), stores were smelly places unwelcoming to new or possible fans. All of the stores in my city are cesspits of body odor, smugness, and arrogance. Not nice at all.

They say music can alter moods and talk to you
Well can it load a gun up for you , and cock it too
Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude
Just tell the judge it was my fault and I’ll get sued

Can't imagine what *that* might be.

Maybe he feels...hunted?

I don’t read a post directed to someone else & think it contains all the info I need to justify jumping down the throat of someone I don’t know. Plenty of people around here make initial statements that I find offensive - it would be out of character for me to lead with “fuck you”. When someone starts off aggressive

OMFG no one said that, I never said that, and no matter how much you try to derail this conversation it was wrong of you to dehumanize sex workers by calling them inanimate objects. Nothing will change the fact that it was fucked up, ok? Now stop acting as if the people critiquing you are the ones diminishing the

“I don’t like being called out when I say something offensive so fuck you!” get a grip. critique is how we grow. listen and learn.

I understood what you meant. You called human beings “blow up sex dolls,” and then tried to excuse this utterly disgusting statement with nonsensical anecdotal stories about people you’ve met. I’m sure they would love your support when it involves denying them their humanity. Just accept the critique, learn, move on.

Prepare yourself for the backpedaling and excuse filled “well the people I KNOW,” shitstorm you are about to get from the oblivious OP. They really go for it.... Anyway, all love to you. Hopefully we will soon see a world where our (all) humanity as human beings is not continually questioned and denied.

The ammount of backpedaling you just did is truly astounding.

Golly gee! I never said they should. My comment was to a particular post - not the article/ author.

Well, my friends felt like mastubatory toys- that is what they described. I’m sorry - sex work should be legal, but I don’t have any middle class delusions. Every sex worker I’ve known technically chose the work, but only because it was what paid what they needed to survive at the time. They chose their customers

I wasn’t talking to you & you clearly didn’t get it. Get over yourself. I didn’t shame anyone. Reread, I said “I am physically unable” a la PTSD & a long history of sexual abuse. But my point was, some chicks like to think they could do sex work simply because they aren’t averse to random sex. Sex work isn’t akin to

The thing is, if we decriminalized sex work and worked towards making sex work into the ethical practice it can be- sex workers would be free to choose whom they work with, and wouldn’t be forced to sleep with someone they hate as much as your imagined troglodyte, so thats where your point first fails. Additionally,

Time to place your bets on what story will be subject to Pinkham’s Law first.

Reminds me of that old song “stand by your man.” I’ve always hated that song.