
Come. Come here, my friend. I will introduce you to a bunch of fabulous, strong, passionate women who will lay into you if you tell them they don’t deserve to have paid time off to bond with their newborns and heal from birth. I will bring you to parties where women will shout about the ridiculous and unjust pay gap

Yes. I live in a very progressive city in Canada and even in my friend groups here I’ve had women tell me not to yell back at catcallers because they were “complimenting” me and why was I being such a bitch about it? I come from a much more conservative city and these attitudes are alive and well.

What, you jealous?

Um, never seen my handle before? The gratuitous “MD” is therefore in ALL of my posts, genius.

Wait! I’m worried what you just heard was “give me a lot of bacon and eggs.” What I said was “give me all the bacon and eggs you have.”

There are tons of marriages without a preacher present. You do know that, yes?

Objectively speaking, breasts are much nicer to look at than penises.

Look, it's a little hard not to take this personally.

I thought it was rappers' fault? This game of pin the culpability on the completely unrelated minority sure is whimsical

Most feminists (the ones that aren't TERFs or SWERFs, which are assholes) support women in the sex work industry, actually. They'd say "that's a weird fetish, but okay".

I'm not straight, but I am a woman who enjoys this stuff and yeah, agree with everything you said.

Great point. This is why stuff like 'safe words' exist in BDSM and other risque sexual play. It's been a thing for eons, far before any digital porn.

More power to em if edgy material is what people prefer. Also, restraint on the wayward fantasy kind of is missing the point of porn. Some people may prefer vanilla while some people may need the more extreme stuff because the vanilla is literally too dull to get excited for some people. As the interviewee in this

Hard for me to muster up outrage over the deep psychological wounds that orcs are inflicting on fictional video game characters. I mean, maybe I'm just callous, but these are cartoons. Also, as a frequent consumer of porn: this was all news to me, so this material is easily avoidable by anyone who would be offended.

Well, as long as the viewers and makers understand the difference between fantasy and reality, and are sensitive as to where they consume and release such materials, then I'm okay with this.

See, the difference is that you owned your mistake, instead of freaking out or calling the waitress a liar.

Fair enough, this sort of shit is probably routine to them, so it won't be memorable. Still, I was curious, so I thought I'd ask.

I'll give Patricia Arquette a pass because she has always adverted for the LGBT community that she is very close to given her love for her trans sister Alexis. Plus she gives her time, energy and money to help out the people of Haiti by creating the Give Love foundation.

So at this place, everything tastes like ham?

But it's specifically called Irish coffee because it's alcoholic. You know, like the Irish.