
Oh yes, cats definitely get fat shamed. I was at a friends house and he has a Maine Coon (a very large breed of cat). His cat was maybe slightly overweight. One of the women at the party was Brazilian and said to me, "Wow, Americans are so fat that even their cats are fat." or something along those lines.

And now time to pick apart every possible implication that can be found in this statement that can be used to undermine whatever particular brand of feminism that Arquette seems to be spearheading. Wouldn't want people thinking that speaking out about feminism in a colloquial way outside of ponderous blog posts and

I know many smart, talented women, who did not have the opportunity to attend college, who also deserve this.

What someone else thinks of you is none of your business.

I wasn't talking about people taking care of their own parents. Obviously if I were, I would not direct the "you" to shoegal, who is not a parent. I'm talking about having a younger generation to pay into services like Medicare so we can see the doctor.

You're an idiot. A women gave birth to everyone and is treated as less than a man in many aspects of society. It was about equality for everyone and I'm not grasping at straws. This seems like a personal issue you have...

Everyone should have the option to take paid time off for extraordinary life circumstances and allowances for health or family obligations, like caring for one's children, parents, or other dependents. But having children is not like a vacation, nor does anyone do it once a year. Seriously, that is one of the dumber

Yup, it is a choice. One that ensures there will be another generation in this world and country to be productive and take care of you when you're older.

Maternity leave is not the same thing as a vacation. It is not a "perk" so to speak, rather a time to recover from a major physical ordeal. I didn't really get what that meant until I had a child (which I swear I'm not saying in a 'look at me, i'm so special' way because really, i don't think having a child is that

Seriously. I don't want children either but you can be damn sure I support paid maternity (and paternity) leave.

As a gay man who would love 6 weeks of paid maternity equivalent leave every year for absolutely no reason, I still think this is a stupid comment. Not everything in life needs to be completely equal and fuck you for begrudging people the time they need to recover from a medical situation.

You're right, giving birth is the same as taking a fucking vacation to Hawaii OHMYGOD I don't even want kids and you annoy me.

give your dad a hug for me.

I'm sorry, but, as a woman who has chosen to be child free I have only this to say to you, "Go blow it out your ass. This isn't about you. Don't make it about you."

Because I'm sure that's exactly what she meant.

Don't sweat it if and when that ever happens with your kids. My children gained a fuckton of weight after I had them neutered, but they're still precious to me.

Fat shaming cats is pretty revealing that that person has major issues themselves. My friends lived in a house with a woman with an obvious eating disorder, and she was terrified of her cat getting fat and essentially starved the thing half to death, even when it was nursing kittens. After watching this happen for a

Right? I think you and I both know the future children we should actually be concerned about are those who will be raised by snide, passive-aggressive people who will use a cat's weight to shit on her friend.

People are always telling me my cat is fat, and I am always honestly replying that he's mostly just big-boned (mostly because he is, after all, a housecat and he's always had a little belly that swings when he runs). Once, when I said this, a super bitchy former friend of mine said, "God, I feel sorry for your future

I was trying to say that addiction can drive behaviors that encourage continued addiction, not that the addicts are "responsible" for it (outside of ever trying that substance in the first place, which, I mean... this is America, it's difficult to escape the "allure" of drugs or alcohol and nobody knows how likely