
It really is. And that's when I feel I became a sexually liberated person...when I knew I could just go out and get me an orgasm if I wanted one, whether with someone I really cared about or in a casual context.

Yeah, I thought maybe the reason I had my first orgasm with this guy was due to feeeelingsss but now I know it's more about the technique/mindset. Another patriarchal idea I've had to reconcile (that sex is only good with deep emotional connections).

I completely understand. But I think there are more women like us just not admitting it:)

My credentials include: Being a sexually active person who likes other people. I can safely say that you are mistaken, and dicks can and are indeed frequently very attractive. I would also advise you to swap partners, because if your sexual exploits are lasting only 5 minutes, you are nooot with a keeper. <3 Happy

Now I want a whole Mark series on what all the BSC members are like as adults.

+1,000,000 on the second paragraph. please, mark?

Please tell me you are writing BSC fan fiction.

It's not something I've ever thought about. Bit the second I saw your headline, I agreed, I didn't even need to read your supporting arguments. She would totally see it as an extension of her "independent attitude" and think all her "research" would make her more knowledgeable than those followers just doing what they

Which is also pretty much how (some) straight dudes treat any girl who's open about her sexuality.

Mr. Baker, as a man, I fail to see the problem with having multiple highly-qualified women candidates. If a strong woman scares a man who is considering a run for office from pursuing it, I think that says a hell of a lot more about the quality of the male candidate than the female candidate.

"She took the words right out of my mouth." - Mrs. Sandusky

Fine more for me.

"It's like you think I don't know that, but obviously I do"

Luckily people as a whole hold a wide variety of viewpoints as to what is and is not attractive.

No one cares if you find them disgusting. Men can do whatever they want with their faces.

Very interesting insights. Thank you.

Georgia Rule!

Yeah. Semi-ditto. The "real life" ones, maybe not so much. The animated ones...probably are.

Reynolds is wearing a cardigan IN your example picture.