
Agreed. A) It's rude. B) It's counterproductive. Nobody in history has ever thought, "hey, that sanctimonious asshole has a point. I'm glad he was so needlessly offensive and crass, and I'm going to become JUST LIKE HIM." Which leads me to C) this behaviour isn't about being right or changing minds, because it

What I like is that it's not a complete happy or downer ending. Brooke may have died in childbirth but at least Mario can keep on going. That's nice.

This study proves you are actually a lady. It is science.

It reminds me of Jenna's (30 Rock) backdoor bragging.

She was an interesting Lydia Bennet, too.

I guess I just tend to be forgiving with stuff like this. It's just a tweet. There are mistakes in several of the others as well, but I can understand what they all mean. But, yeah, I guess I agree that it is technically flawed.

I guess, but I didn't have any problem understanding what he meant

Jena Malone IS awesome. So glad she has finally landed a role that will garner her the credit she deserves. She has always delivered a stellar performance in everything I have seen her in.

Ri Ri finally figured out how to be half naked and well dressed at the same time.

Domestic abuse victims don't bear the responsibility of reframing the narrative surrounding domestic abuse.

I totally agree that she has both the right and the responsibility to talk to the parents and make sure the children are getting taken care of properly. However, I don't think the note home to everyone is a good or effective way to deal with it. Say you're living with a couple of roommates, and one roommate doesn't

But there are other ways. Why not pull one parent aside and have a quiet, polite, constructive word?

Then they replace him! So sad!

If any of you are planning a teaching career, here's a hint. 3rd graders smell the best. Old enough they handle bathroom hygiene pretty well, and young enough not to have sweaty body odor. 3rd graders rock.

I was "meh" on a lot of this episode (NOT Hutchersons fault, just...a man baby? Really?) but I DIED at "our turtle machine must be broken." DIED.

Something tells me she wouldn't pass his initial filter on eHarmony...can't put my finger on it...like some surface-level attribute or something...oh well, it'll come to me sooner or later.

eurggh. some of the 'funny' comments on here are kinda gross.

People die every day from gun violence and idiotic accidents. If we wait to talk about it until the day no one dies, we'll be waiting until the end of time.

Winter is Coming.

I had toast for breakfast this morning. It was epic.