
Oh please. Female actors can't even get their foot in the door if they aren't above average attractiveness. This guy can gain weight, go bald and get old and likely still have a career. Women cannot say the same. This guy is experiencing what female actors endure on the regular. Boo-hoo. Count your blessings Claflin!

The problem is Finnick is described as being very hot and Claflin is just default level attractive. Hollywood has no trouble finding "hot" women to act but they can't throw women a bone and cast an actual swoonworthy, panty-dropping dude for a character that's supposed to be insanely hot?

Oh god. Oh god, no. You don't know R. Kelly? I feel so old.

Lady Gaga on feminism:

I'm suddenly convinced that she knows exactly what she's doing. Girl's got a plan.

lol.. you lost me at Blurred Lines is pro-rape. sorry.

Well, computers are shrinking but getting better wired...

I'm going to try it with the 3 $1 bills in my wallet and report back

Totally, everyone should just pretend rape never happens and doesn't exist.

I'm more in the "well, if it makes you happy" camp, but you make some very good points and I personally agree with you. It's not PC to say, but you have to have pretty low self esteem to go to those measures.

So, your response is, ...but mine feel like real ones'? Is that what your going with?

I did ask a question. What do you get out of having them inside your body? Besides feeling beautiful because you are now culturally acceptable? What else about them do you like so much? And tattoos, piercings, etc have a VERY different cultural identity than things procedures like breast implants. Also, for most of

Bitches don't be hating, bitches be upset that you contribute to objectification of women and rape culture by cutting open your body and stuffing plastic bags full of chemicals inside, most likely reducing your own sexual pleasure (or even ending it altogether) that is generated from nipple stimulation, because they

Can I just say how much I love the rainbow loom trend? My little brother is in elementary school and has been making them for our whole family and I just like that it's a crafty thing that boys can do that isn't stigmatized as being "girly"

Lake Forest. It's pretty much the best thing about Lake Forest.

False. I've definitely had people in Chicago talk shit to me about how NY pizza is terrible.

Nooooooooo...I came here to say that Crystal Lite and flavored vodka (citrus, whipped cream, any flavor really) is AMAZING. It seems to work better for me too. Maybe less sugar means less hangover? I know fake sweeteners are the devil and this is the only time ever that I indulge. Ever.

Duuuuuuuuude, brains is the one thing I had over those jerks in high school. Thanks a lot.

You're misunderstanding the argument. We are all accountable for our own actions, of course. Nobody's arguing otherwise. But when we're talking about vast social structures (like patriarchy), those are things that amount to more than the sum of a bunch of individual actions. And those vast social structures cannot be

At this point, she's basically a Duggar. According to the tabloids.