
The thing about the women I named, they are all spectacularly good chefs. But they also had to force their way to where they are now, they are almost their own creations. It's unfortunate, the women who are there are very good, but very few of them actually benefitted from the boys club, as you can see from the chart.

I don't know if you've read about the movie but they whole point is that they're reframing it and telling the story from her perspective. Sleeping Beauty isn't the main character in this tale.

Marketing a motorcycle by emphasizing the motorcycle's good points is, what, too academic for poor little male brains?

I don't completely agree with Raphy here. But my argument is a little different. You say "Men are always going to think of women sexually." First of all, yeah straight men will always think of women sexually, that's fine, but it's only one kind of representation of women being sexual and that's the "sexy baby" look.

I agree with you on most of what you write here. Just one thing, I don't think they want to be objectified. Either they can bear being objectified in return for money, or they're being abused. Look at all the people in the sex industry, whether they're there by their own choice or not... male or female... they're

BlackLab - "There is so many things to get angry about in this world....The d-bag who orders a hit on silk road."

Arguh! You're right. I suppose that I should try to stop showing off. ;p

Yes, because all those people who fought against civil rights, for womens right to vote and control our own bodies just sat back and did nothing...

I was talking about Living Proof, not the Brazilian Blowout. Please actually read what I wrote.

It won't help.

Its so true, I am consistently shouted at "dyke" on the street because of my hair, and my male friends always say "I just dont find short hair attractive, no offence", despite the fact that i didnt take offence until they said "no offence"!! Its extremely annoying but also shows how we still have to be typically

Which of the Living Proof products contain formaldehyde? I just looked through the ingredient list for every product offered on their website and found no mention of it. Your rather rude tone in completely unnecessary here.

Has this idiot never seen Emma? I mean, yeah, she's pretty with long hair and whatevs. But then all of a sudden

The OP was talking about Living Proof (Aniston's product) NOT containing formaldehyde, so I'm pretty sure they're aware that Brazilian Blowouts DO have it.

I wasn't aware that women's hairstyles existed solely for the amusement of the heterosexual male.

Sorry, do you have a reason to suspect that she is misrepresenting her race?

Im not disagreeing that this type of caricature has some seriously disturbing history, but it seems unlikely that the beibs is aware of it. Intention and context is important and I honestly Im in my 30's and was only exposed to the coon caricature recently, Im not surprised that a 19 year old kid from Canada

I'd be willing to bet good money that Bieber had no idea that the monkey caricature even exists. Which doesn't excuse the act (both because he shouldn't be graffiti-ing all over the damn place and someone around him should know shit like that) but I think he was probably just drawing a monkey. Still looks incredibly

Was about to respond with the same sentence. I'll assume we're secret twins and high five you (in my mind).

I agree with you! Why is my comment horrible? Because I don't include all religions with it?