
A white male publishing a black female's work on appropriation as his own? This kid is a meta-genius.

I read a theory once that thought that maybe same sex male relationships were appealing to straight women because it takes out all the gender stereotype crap that hetero romance couples have to wade through.

I'm not really interested in shipping straight characters into homoerotic relationships, but gay porn has always been much sexier than straight porn to me. The guys in straight porn typically seem to be below average in looks and the focus is mostly on the woman's body, which is not at all what I'm interested in.

Weirdly although I am 99% gay the idea of a hot woman (I'm not blind y'all) being turned on by man on man action is kind of... sexy? I am definitely not bisexual but the idea of hooking up with a guy whose woman was turned on by it is strangely appealing. I may be confessing too much though.

Are you similarly confused about why some heterosexual males feel attracted to a homoerotic relationship between two women? Because while there are no doubt many varied complex explanations for each, neither is confusing if you just take it at its most basic: oh look, two hot people of the gender I find attractive

Thor! What do you have to say about allegations that you're engaged in an incestious tryst with your brother Loki?

The internet can.

I have to say your seemingly good intentions are matched only by your obliviousness.

This. Everyone should have the annoying lip gloss experience once. I adore driving with the windows down and the sunroof open, but only when I have short hair. I am currently sporting a shag that I cut specifically so zero hair reaches my lips.

My ex used to posit that when women had really short hair it made them look manly, and the day after I broke up with him I came home (yes we lived together) with short hair and he said "oh, hey, that actually looks really good on you." Dickweed.

Will this have spotify-like facebook integration? I would love for it to post to facebook everytime I choose a video

I agree. You can not simply say "I don't like short hair" because there are so many different variations of short hair. It's like saying I don't like fruit just because you can't stand strawberries or apples.

I'm glad these are the hard problems you face.

"Timid and mystical" and "very social" seem antithetical. No? OK then.

I think she deleted it AFTER trying to send it to her manager... as the article says when she tried sending it it said it was 666 megabytes and she freaked over it.

To be serious for a moment, my husband farted in bed this morning and it smelled like sulfur. Am I married to a demon? We also had at least one fly in the house this summer, and all these weird things like the fridge breaking and light bulbs burning out have been happening since I first started to suspect.

Is it weird that I want Ian McKellen to be both my grandpa and my gay boyfriend?

When I saw the photo of Rob Lowe, I was LITERALLY taken aback a bit.

Well, Justin Hammer survived Iron Man 2, so maybe the next Avengers could be a musical...

Dancing Tom Hiddleston, now with less clothing {hey it's a start, right?}