
Enjoying BDSM on either side doesn't make one crazy, just a bit different.

Nobody just falls into someone's arms and starts humping them.

I've always wondered if people save their more intense rage for "the other person", because it is easier to think really horrible thoughts about them. As opposed to having all those hateful thoughts about the person you love/care about. You have no emotional attachment to the other person and can therefore hope they

Every case of cheating is a beautiful and unique snowflake.

Skip the articles that are controversial?

I hate to sound cliche here, but no one forces people to read the cosplay articles, controversial articles, women's rights articles, etc. Yet people; this is not implying you, always find a reason to bitch about how Kotaku shouldn't focus on XY and Z. But you alone are the

The vast numbers of Conservative women who really buy into the whole notion that their gender is incapable of actually leading makes me sad. Siding with the patriarchy to hold on tight to your little corner of power rather than actually acknowledging your own self worth and abilities and the RIGHT to have those

Nothing is sexier than when my girlfriend suggests we should watch another episode of The Wire.

She didn't "proudly" quote her mother - she said they have to agree to disagree. Reading comprehension FTW.

Now playing

I don't understand networks or audiences anymore. I usually see the last scene of the show while I wait for Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the laugh track is so over the top for stuff that isn't remotely humorous, I have to wonder if they're trying to be ironic.

Barney's staff is notoriously snotty and rude to EVERYONE who doesn't look super-rich.

I think I just didn't find him very sexy in this scene... he looks absolutely exhausted, and not in a sexy way.

To be fair, Chris Brown hasn't started a fire in some random person's driveway, that I'm aware. The behaviors Bynes exhibits are greatly different from Brown's. Similarly, Lohan has had a very public series of rehab stints, and her substance abuse problems are pretty common knowledge. I can't recall seeing pictures

A girl can dream.

I can only assume that the next Avengers movie features only shirtless superhero guys.

Tom Hiddleston is either an incredibly sweet and funny person or he is a total sociopath who has no feelings and is bent on using his acting skills to make everyone fall in love with him so that he can take over the world. There simply are no other options.

I have a feeling that if Snooki has just said "it's from Bridesmaids", the girl would have been 'What's that?' Considering the girl doesn't know what quotations mean ("Help me, I'm poor."), it seems this girl needs things broken down for her as plainly as possible.

I applied for health insurance and got denied... Because I checked the box "yes I have smoked pot at least once in the last 5 years".

She is really gorgeous. Alec used to live in my building (he's since moved downtown) and always seemed like a pretty nice, regular guy. He usually said hello to people in the elevator, which is more than I can say for myself (I'm grumpy on my way to work—sue me). Anyway I'm just here for some positive

I know Alec Baldwin has his issues and older men/younger women relationships usually make me feel queazy but they look darn cute together.